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National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP) - Adult Asthma Secondary Care Clinical Audit 2018/19
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Hospital_name | Trust_name | Age_median | Age_lo.quart | Age_hi.quart | Gender_Female_perc | Gender_Male_perc | Gender_Not_recorded/Preferred_not_to_say_perc | Gender_Transgender_perc | IMDeng.quintile_1_perc | IMDeng.quintile_2_perc | IMDeng.quintile_3_perc | IMDeng.quintile_4_perc | IMDeng.quintile_5_perc | IMDwales.quintile_1_perc | IMDwales.quintile_2_perc | IMDwales.quintile_3_perc | IMDwales.quintile_4_perc | IMDwales.quintile_5_perc | lengthofstaydays_median | lengthofstaydays_lo.quart | lengthofstaydays_hi.quart | Smokingstatus_Current_smoker_perc | Smokingstatus_Ex-smoker_perc | Smokingstatus_Ex-smoker_and_current_vaper_perc | Smokingstatus_Never_smoked_perc | Smokingstatus_Never_smoked_and_current_vaper_perc | Smokingstatus_Not_recorded_perc | Dischargetobaccofac_0_perc | Dischargetobaccofac_1_perc | Heartrate_median | Heartrate_lo.quart | Heartrate_hi.quart | Respiratoryrate_median | Respiratoryrate_lo.quart | Respiratoryrate_hi.quart | Oxygensatrecorded_Not_recorded_perc | Oxygensatrecorded_Recorded_perc | Oxygensatvalue_median | Oxygensatvalue_lo.quart | Oxygensatvalue_hi.quart | Oxygenmeasurement_No_-_room_air_perc | Oxygenmeasurement_Not_recorded_perc | Oxygenmeasurement_Yes_perc | Peakflowonarrival_Not_recorded_perc | Peakflowonarrival_Patient_too_unwell_perc | Peakflowonarrival_Yes_perc | arrivaltoPEFhours_median | arrivaltoPEFhours_lo.quart | arrivaltoPEFhours_hi.quart | arrivaltoPEF1hourcat_PEF_taken_within_1_hour_perc | arrivaltoPEF1hourcat_PEF_not_taken_within_1_hour_perc | arrivaltoPEF4hourcat_PEF_not_taken_within_4_hours_perc | arrivaltoPEF4hourcat_PEF_taken_within_4_hours_perc | PreviousbestPEF_Not_recorded_perc | PreviousbestPEF_Recorded_perc | PredictedPEF_Not_recorded_perc | PredictedPEF_Recorded_perc | prevorpredtaken_Not_recorded_perc | prevorpredtaken_Recorded_perc | percpredPEF_median | percpredPEF_lo.quart | percpredPEF_hi.quart | percpredPEF75cat_Admitted_with_PEF_<75%_perc | percpredPEF75cat_Admitted_with_PEF_>=_75%_perc | Specrespreview_Yes_perc | Specrespreview_No_perc | arrivaltospecresprevhours_median | arrivaltospecresprevhours_lo.quart | arrivaltospecresprevhours_hi.quart | arrivaltospecresprev24hourcat_Specialist_respiratory_review_within_24_hours_perc | arrivaltospecresprev24hourcat_Specialist_respiratory_review_after_24_hours_perc | Oxygenprescribed_Administered_perc | Oxygenprescribed_No_perc | Oxygenprescribed_Prescribed_perc | Oxygenprescribed_Prescribed,Administered_perc | Steroidsadminist_Not_administered_perc | Steroidsadminist_Not_recorded_perc | Steroidsadminist_Yes_perc | arrivaltosteroidshours_median | arrivaltosteroidshours_lo.quart | arrivaltosteroidshours_hi.quart | steroids1hourcat_Steroids_received_within_1_hour_perc | steroids1hourcat_Steroids_not_received_within_1_hour_perc | steroids4hourcat_Steroids_received_within_4_hours_perc | steroids4hourcat_Steroids_not_received_within_4_hours_perc | B2agonistsadminist_Not_administered_perc | B2agonistsadminist_Not_recorded_perc | B2agonistsadminist_Yes_perc | arrivaltob2agonistsminutes_median | arrivaltob2agonistsminutes_lo.quart | arrivaltob2agonistsminutes_hi.quart | b2agonists1hourcat_b2agonists_received_within_1_hour_perc | b2agonists1hourcat_b2agonists_not_received_within_1_hour_perc | b2agonists4hourcat_b2agonists_received_within_4_hours_perc | b2agonists4hourcat_b2agonists_not_received_within_4_hours_perc | discharge.day_Monday_perc | discharge.day_Tuesday_perc | discharge.day_Wednesday_perc | discharge.day_Thursday_perc | discharge.day_Friday_perc | discharge.day_Saturday_perc | discharge.day_Sunday_perc | dischargebundle_Discharge_bundle_given_perc | dischargebundle_No_discharge_bundle_perc | dischargebundle_No_discharge_bundle_due_to_self_discharge_perc | Dischargeinhalercheckfac_0_perc | Dischargeinhalercheckfac_1_perc | Dischargemaintmedfac_0_perc | Dischargemaintmedfac_1_perc | Dischargeadherencefac_0_perc | Dischargeadherencefac_1_perc | DischargePAAPfac_0_perc | DischargePAAPfac_1_perc | Dischargetriggersfac_0_perc | Dischargetriggersfac_1_perc | DischargecommFU2daysfac_0_perc | DischargecommFU2daysfac_1_perc | Dischargespecrev4weeksfac_0_perc | Dischargespecrev4weeksfac_1_perc | Dischargenonefac_0_perc | Dischargenonefac_1_perc | goodpracticecarefac_0_perc | goodpracticecarefac_1_perc | Inhaledsteroidsatdischarge_No_perc | Inhaledsteroidsatdischarge_Not_prescribed_for_medical_reasons_perc | Inhaledsteroidsatdischarge_Yes_perc | Oralsteroidsatdischarge_No_perc | Oralsteroidsatdischarge_Yes_perc | Oralsteroids2in12months_No_perc | Oralsteroids2in12months_Not_recorded_perc | Oralsteroids2in12months_Yes_perc | referredforFU_Already_being_seen_in_secondary_care_clinic_perc | referredforFU_No_perc | referredforFU_Not_recorded_perc | referredforFU_Patient_declined_perc | referredforFU_Yes_perc | Oralsteroids2in12monthswithreferredforFU_Already_being_seen_in_secondary_care_clinic_perc | Oralsteroids2in12monthswithreferredforFU_No_perc | Oralsteroids2in12monthswithreferredforFU_Not_recorded_perc | Oralsteroids2in12monthswithreferredforFU_Patient_declined_perc | Oralsteroids2in12monthswithreferredforFU_Yes_perc |
Hospital name | Trust name | Median age (calculated based on all cases audited) | Lower quartile of age (calculated based on all cases audited) | Upper quartile of age (calculated based on all cases audited) | Percentage of female patients (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of male patients (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients with gender not recorded/preferred not to say (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of transgender patients (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients in quintile 1 of deprivation (least deprived) (denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 2 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 3 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 4 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 5 of deprivation (most deprived) (denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 1 of deprivation (least deprived) (denominator: all cases with a Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 2 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with a Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 3 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with a Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 4 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with a Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 5 of deprivation (most deprived) (denominator: all cases with a Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Median length of stay (calculated based on all cases discharged alive) | Lower quartile of length of stay (calculated based on all cases discharged alive) | Upper quartile of length of stay (calculated based on all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients that are current smokers (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients that are ex-smokers (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients that are ex-smokers and current vapers (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients that have never smoked (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients that have never smoked and are current vapers (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patiens that had no smoking status recorded (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients without tobacco dependency addressed (denominator: all recorded current smokers) | Percentage of patients with tobacco dependency addressed (all recorded current smokers) | Median heart rate (calculated based on all cases audited) | Lower quartile of heart rate (calculated based on all cases audited) | Upper quartile of heart rate (calculated based on all cases audited) | Median respiratory rate (calculated based on all cases audited) | Lower quartile of respiratory rate (calculated based on all cases audited) | Upper quartile of respiratory rate (calculated based on all cases audited) | Percentage of patients with no record of SpO2 measurement taken following arrival (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients with SpO2 measurement taken following arrival (denominator: all cases audited) | Median SpO2 measurment following arrival (calculated based on all cases with an SpO2 measurement taken) | Lower quartile of SpO2 measurement following arrival (calculated based on all cases with an SpO2 measurement taken) | Upper quartile of SpO2 measurement following arrival (calculated based on all cases with an SpO2 measurement taken) | Percentage of patients with SpO2 measurement taken on room air, not supplementary oxygen (denominator: all patients with an SpO2 measurement taken) | Percentage of patients with SpO2 measurement taken on supplementary oxygen not recorded (denominator: all patients with an SpO2 measurement taken) | Percentage of patients with SpO2 measurement taken on supplementary oxygen (denominator: all patients with an SpO2 measurement taken) | Percentage of patients with no recorded peak flow measurement following arrival at hospital (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients too unwell for peak flow measurement following arrival at hospital (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients with a peak flow measurement recorded following arrival at hospital (denominator: all cases audited) | Median time to peak flow measurement following patient arrival at hospital (calculated based on all records with a peak flow measurement recorded, and a time and date for that measurement) | Lower quartile of time to peak flow measurement following patient arrival at hospital (calculated based on all records with a peak flow measurement recorded, and a time and date for that measurement) | Upper quartile of time to peak flow measurement following patient arrival at hospital (calculated based on all records with a peak flow measurement recorded, and a time and date for that measurement) | Percentage of patients with a peak flow measurement taken within 1 hour of arrival hospital (denominator: all patients with a peak flow measurement and a time and date for that measurement) | Percentage of patients with no peak flow measurement taken within 1 hour of arrival at hospital (denominator: all patients with a peak flow measurement and a time and date for that measurement) | Percentage of patients with no peak flow measurement taken within 4 hours of arrival at hospital (denominator: all patients with a peak flow measurement and a time and date for that measurement) | Percentage of patients with a peak flow measurement taken within 4 hours of arrival at hospital (denominator: all patients with a peak flow measurement and a time and date for that measurement) | Percentage of patients with no previous best peak flow measurement recorded (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients with a previous best peak flow measurement recorded (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients with no predicted peak flow measurement recorded (denominator: all cases without a previous best peak flow recorded) | Percentage of patients with a predicted peak flow measurement recorded (denominator: all cases without a previous best peak flow recorded) | Percentage of patients with a peak flow measurement taken following arrival at hospital, but no record of either previous best peak flow or predicted peak flow (denominator: all cases with a peak flow measurement recorded) | Percentage of patients with a peak flow measurement taken following arrival at hospital and a record of either previous best peak flow or predicted peak flow (denominator: all cases with a peak flow measurement recorded) | Median peak flow measurement on admission as a percentage of previous best or predicted peak flow (calculated based on all cases with a previous best or predicted PEF recorded) | Lower quartile of peak flow measurement on admission as a percentage of previous best or predicted peak flow (calculated based on all cases with a previoust best or predicted peak flow recorded) | Upper quartile of peak flow measurement on admission as a percentage of previous best or predicted peak flow (calculated based on all cases with a previous best or predicted peak flow recorded) | Percentage of patients admitted with a peak flow of less than 75% of previous best or predicted peak flow (calculated based on all cases audited with a peak flow measurement recorded following arrival at hospital and either a previous best or predicted peak flow recorded) | Percentage of patients admitted with a peak flow of more than or equal to 75% of previous best or predicted peak flow (calculated based on all cases audited with a peak flow measurement recorded following arrival at hospital and either a previous best or predicted peak flow recorded) | Percentage of patients who received a specialist review (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients that did not receive a specialist review (denominator: all cases audited) | Median time to specialist review following arrival at hospital (calculated based on all cases that received a respiratory review, and have a date and time recorded for that review) | Lower quartile of time to specialist review following arrival at hopsital (calculated based on all cases that received a respiratory review, and have a date and time recorded for that review) | Upper quartile of time to specialist review following arrival at hospital (calculated based on all cases that received a respiratory review, and have a date and time recorded for that review) | Percentage of patients who received a specialist review within 24 hours of arrival to hospital (denominator: all cases that received a respiratory review, and have a date and time recorded for that review) | Percentage of patients who did not receive a specialist review within 24 hours of arrival to hospital (denominator: all cases that received a respiratory review, and have a date and time recorded for that review) | Percentage of patients administered oxygen only (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients neither prescribed or administered oxygen (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients prescribed oxygen only (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients prescribed and administered oxygen (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients not administered systemic steroids (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients with systemic steroid administration not recorded (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients administered systemic steroids (denominator: all cases audited) | Median time to administration of systemic steroids following arrival to hospital (calculated based on all cases that received systemic steroids and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Lower quartile of time to administration of systemic steroids following arrival to hospital (calculated based on all cases that received systemic steroids and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Upper quartile of time to administration of systemic steroids following arrival to hospital (calculated based on all cases that received systemic steroids and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Percentage of patients administered systemic steroids within 1 hour of arrival to hospital (denominator: all cases that received systemic steroids and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Percentage of patients not administered systemic steroids within 1 hour of arrival to hospital (denominator: all cases that received systemic steroids and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Percentage of patients administered systemic steroids within 4 hours of arrival to hospital (denominator: all cases that received systemic steroids and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Percentage of patients not administered systemic steroids within 4 hours of arrival to hospital (denominator: all cases that received systemic steroids and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Percentage of patients not administered B2 agonists (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients with B2 agonist administration not recorded (denominator: all cases audited) | Percentage of patients administered B2 agonists (denominator: all cases audited) | Median time to B2 agonists following patient arrival to hospital (calculated based on all cases that received B2 agonists and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Lower quartile of time to B2 agonists following patient arrival to hospital (calculated based on all cases that received B2 agonists and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Upper quartile of time to B2 agonists following patient arrival to hospital (calculated based on all cases that received B2 agonists and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Percentage of patients administered B2 agonists within 1 hour of arrival to hospital (denominator: all cases that received B2 agonists and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Percentage of patients not administered B2 agonists within 1 hour of arrival to hospital (denominator: all cases that received B2 agonists and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Percentage of patients administered B2 agonists within 4 hours of arrival to hospital (denominator: all cases that received B2 agonists and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Percentage of patients not administered B2 agonists within 4 hours of arrival to hospital (denominator: all cases that received B2 agonists and have a date and time recorded for administration) | Percentage of patients discharged on a Monday (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients discharged on a Tuesday (denominator: all cases dsicharged alive) | Percentage of patients discharged on a Wednesday (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients discharged on a Thursday (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients discharged on a Friday (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients discharged on a Saturday (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients discharged on a Sunday (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients given a discharge bundle (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients not given a discharge bundle (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients not given a discharge bundle due to self-discharge (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients not provided with an inhaler technique check (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients provided with an inhaler technique check (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients without maintenance medication reviewed (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients with maintenance medication reviewed (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients without adherence discussed (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients with adherence discussed (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients without a PAAP issued or reviewed (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients with a PAAP issued or reviewed (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients without triggers discussed (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients with triggers discussed (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients without community follow-up requested within 2 working days (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients with community follow-up requested within 2 working days (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients without a specialist review requested within 4 weeks (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients with a specialist review requested within 4 weeks (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients that were in receipt of at least one element of good practice care (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients in receipt of no elements of good practice care (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients for whom the six elements of good practice care were not given (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients for whom the six elements of good practice care were given (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients not prescribed inhaled steroids at discharge (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients not prescribed inhaled steroids for medical reasons (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients prescribed inhaled steroids at discharge (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients not prescribed at least 5 days of oral steroids (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients prescribed at least 5 days of oral steroids (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients not prescribed more than two courses of oral steroids in the last 12 months (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients with oral steroid prescription in the last 12 months not recorded (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients prescribed more than two courses of oral steroids in the last 12 months (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients already being seen in a secondary care clinic (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients not referred for hospital assessment/follow up (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients with referral for hospital assessment/follow up not recorded (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients that declined referral for hospital assessment/follow up (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients referred for hospital assessment/follow up (denominator: all cases discharged alive) | Percentage of patients prescribed more than two courses of oral steroids in the last 12 months already being seen in a secondary care clinic (denominator: all cases prescribed more than two courses of oral steroids in the last 12 months) | Percentage of patients prescribed more than two courses of oral steroids in the last 12 months not referred for hospital assessment/follow up (denominator: all cases prescribed more than two courses of oral steroids in the last 12 months) | Percentage of patients prescribed more than two courses of oral steroids in the last 12 months with referral for hospital assessment/follow up not recorded (denominator: all cases prescribed more than two courses of oral steroids in the last 12 months) | Percentage of patients prescribed more than two courses of oral steroids in last 12 months but declined referral for hospital assessment/follow up (denominator: all cases prescribed more than two courses of oral steroids in the last 12 months) | Percentage of patients prescribed more two courses of oral steroids in last 12 months and referred for hospital assessment/follow up (denominator: all cases prescribed more than two courses of oral steroids in the last 12 months) |
Text | Text | Integer | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage | Percentage |
Text | Text | 0 | 0 | 0 | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | 0 | 0 | 0 | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | 0 | 0 | 0 | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | 0 | 0 | 0 | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | 0 | 0 | 0 | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | 0 | 0 | 0 | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % |