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Species point records from 1983 Dyrynda Fleet lagoon sublittoral survey1983-Dyrynda-Fleet-lagoon-sublittoral-survey.csv
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Download this fileRecordKey | SurveyKey | SurveyName | SampleKey | StartDate | EndDate | DateType | LocationName | DataType | Latitude | Longitude | Projection | AphiaId | Species | Uncertain | Abundance_SACFORN | Abundance_Count | IsDead | SampleComment |
JNCCMNCR10339166 | JNCCMNCR10000168 | 1983 Dyrynda Fleet lagoon sublittoral survey | JNCCMNCR10018789 | 1983-08-23 | 1983-08-29 | DD | North entrance to Portland Harbour. (Portland Harbour) | Point | 50.5982142475558 | -2.4308817572646 | WGS84 | 103724 | Phallusia mammillata | FALSE | Not set | Not set | FALSE | Shells provided the main hard cover and were colonised primarily by solitary ascidians Ascidiella aspersa and Phallusia mammillata and to a lesser extent by Suberites carnosus. The shells also supported a species poor, low profile encrusting fauna of tube worms and bryozoans. |
JNCCMNCR10339313 | JNCCMNCR10000168 | 1983 Dyrynda Fleet lagoon sublittoral survey | JNCCMNCR10018795 | 1983-08-23 | 1983-08-29 | DD | Portland Harbour central deep water basin. (Portland Harbour) | Point | 50.5918876110324 | -2.43930027151157 | WGS84 | 103724 | Phallusia mammillata | FALSE | Not set | Not set | FALSE | The seabed was colonised by a variety of burrowers, the most evident being Virgularia mirabilis which was abundant in patches. The interesting burrowing anemone Scolanthus callimorphus was also recorded. There were wide vertical burrows, 5 - 10cm across and 1 metre deep and probably formed by Cepola rubescens. Narrow labyrinthal burrows were likely to be those of Goneplax rhomboides. The predominant motile surface fauna was Philine aperta and there were also a few ascidians on shells and pebbles. |
JNCCMNCR10759256 | JNCCMNCR10000168 | 1983 Dyrynda Fleet lagoon sublittoral survey | JNCCMNCR10018784 | 1983-08-23 | 1983-08-29 | DD | Entrance to the Fleet. (Fleet Lagoon) | Point | 50.5836783927417 | -2.46888590308177 | WGS84 | 103724 | Phallusia mammillata | FALSE | P | Not set | FALSE | Ascidiacea, Porifera has been removed from the species list for this record as more specific related taxa were also present, these are now marked as characterising. The shaded supports of the bridge at Smallmouth and the boulders beneath were colonised by a foundation of large barnacles, Balanus perforatus, overlain by a mixture of sponges and ascidians. Hymeniacidon perleve was dominant at 0m, with Myxilla fimbriata dominant just below this zone. Halichondria bowerbanki was also common, along with the encrusting ascidians Didemnum candidum and Diplosoma listerianum. The less stable angular cobbles and stones on the channel floor supported a rich fauna dominated by `lower profile` species. |
JNCCMNCR10339502 | JNCCMNCR10000168 | 1983 Dyrynda Fleet lagoon sublittoral survey | JNCCMNCR10018805 | 1983-08-23 | 1983-08-29 | DD | The Narrows. (Fleet Lagoon) | Point | 50.5961569845443 | -2.49585485070792 | WGS84 | 103724 | Phallusia mammillata | FALSE | Not set | Not set | FALSE | This habitat is incompletely recorded. However, the westward slope of the western bar was found to contain a rich infauna, different in composition to that of the central Narrows. Numerous Scolanthus callimorphus were found, together with Arenicola grubii and the holothurian Leptosynapta inhaerens. |