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Latitude: 60.861° to °
Longitude: -8.648° to 1.768°
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Dataset reference date
2019-03-01 (publication)
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Responsible party
Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (author); Terrestrial Heteroptera Recording Scheme (author); Ground Beetle Recording Scheme (author); British Arachnological Society (author); Environmental Information Data Centre (custodian); Butterfly Conservation (author); British Dragonfly Society (author); Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland (author); University College London (author); Staphylinidae Recording Scheme (author); Cranefly Recording Scheme (author); British Myriapod and Isopod Group (author); Soldier Beetles, Jewel Beetles and Glow-worms Recording Scheme (author); Dipterists Forum, Hoverfly Recording Scheme (author); Aquatic Heteroptera Recording Scheme (author); Chrysomelidae Recording Scheme (author); British Lichen Society (author); Riverfly Recording Schemes (author); Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research, University College London (UCL) (pointOfContact); Riverfly Recording Scheme (author); Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (collaborator, author); Gelechiid Recording Scheme (author); Hoverfly Recording Scheme (author); Lacewings and Allies Recording Scheme (author); Grasshoppers and Related Insects Recording Scheme (author); Weevil and Bark Beetle Recording Scheme (author); NERC Environmental Information Data Centre (publisher)
ISO 19139 resource type
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\u00a9 Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (Natural Environment Research Council), If you reuse this data, you should cite: Outhwaite, C.L., Powney, G.D., August, T.A., Chandler, R.E., Rorke, S., Pescott, O., Harvey, M., Roy, H.E., Fox, R., Walker, K., Roy, D.B., Alexander, K., Ball, S., Bantock, T., Barber, T., Beckmann, B.C., Cook, T., Flanagan, J., Fowles, A., Hammond, P., Harvey, P., Hepper, D., Hubble, D., Kramer, J., Lee, P., MacAdam, C., Morris, R., Norris, A., Palmer, S., Plant, C., Simkin, J., Stubbs, A., Sutton, P., Telfer, M., Wallace, I., Isaac, N.J.B. (2019). Annual estimates of occupancy for bryophytes, lichens and invertebrates in the UK (1970-2015) . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre