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Spend over £25,000 in the Sustainable Development CommissionOctober 2010 Return
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Download this fileSupplier Name | Vendor Number | Vendor Site | Vendor Classification | Invoice Number | Invoice Description | Invoice Amount | Source | Invoice Type | Payment Method | Invoice Date | Invoice Received Date | Goods Received Date | Hold Release Date | Terms Date Calculation Basis | Supplier Credit Terms (Calendar Days) | Due Date (Based on Supplier Terms) | Invoice Paid Date | Payment Reference Number | Paid Late? (Based on Supplier Terms) | No. of Days Paid Late (Based on Supplier Terms) | Due Date (Based on 5 working day payment directive) | No. of working days to make payment | Paid Late? (Based on 5 working day payment directive) | No. of Days Paid Late (Based on 5 working day payment directive) | Company | Cost Centre | Objective | Account | Sub Account | Project | Invoice contains Multiple Cost Centre Distribution? | Matched? | PO Number | PO Creation Date | Requisition Number | Requisition Creation Date | Requisitioner Name | Requisitioner Employee No. | Requisitioner email | Requisitioner Location | Requisitioner Cost Centre | Requestor Name | Requestor Employee No. | Requestor email | Requestor Location | Requestor Cost Centre 1 | Requestor Cost Centre 2 | Requestor Cost Centre 3 | Requestor Cost Centre 4 | Requestor Cost Centre 5 | Requestor Cost Centre 6 | Requestor Cost Centre 7 |
DEFRA | 447520 | YORK | Defra Executive Agency | 193238 | PO 900900 SERVICE DELIVERY | 32,383.00 | Manual Invoice Entry | STANDARD | EFT | 20-Oct-10 | 22-Oct-10 | 22-Oct-10 | Not set | Receipt of Goods | Immediate | 24-Oct-10 | 26-Oct-10 | 10013 | Y | 1 | 29-Oct-10 | 3 | N | 0 | 9 | 48001 | 48001 | 2097 | 0 | CCHARGES | N | Y | 900900 | 14-Oct-10 | 901147 | 11-Oct-10 | Steven Penny | 168198 | | SDC 55 Whitehall | 48001 SDC Admin Unit | Steven Penny | 168198 | | HMI-GATESHEAD | 51009 CD Corporate Services | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |