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National Parks (December 2018) Full Extent Boundaries GBCSV

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OBJECTID npark18cd npark18nm npark18nmw bng_e bng_n long lat Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E26000001 Dartmoor National Park 265748 75705 -3.89699006 50.56560898 955747461.428997 164533.573615854 858d2734-0a43-4051-8926-e63217290814
2 E26000002 Exmoor National Park 287807 138459 -3.6049099 51.1343689 693121787.155697 168905.663868712 ba23b659-a343-4c33-ab57-e122b18b0605
3 E26000004 Northumberland National Park 385044 600169 -2.2370801 55.29539871 1050934416.02281 345486.021758976 1e98824a-ca75-443b-a435-cafeb337f592
4 E26000005 North York Moors National Park 472532 498394 -0.88492 54.37590027 1441061643.31471 304567.700378019 8a12cc48-754a-484b-b842-f9c28650b2b6