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Species point records from 1987 OPRU HRE Dart Estuary survey1987-OPRU-HRE-Dart-Estuary-survey.csv

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RecordKey SurveyKey SurveyName SampleKey StartDate EndDate DateType LocationName DataType Latitude Longitude Projection AphiaId Species Uncertain Abundance_SACFORN Abundance_Count IsDead SampleComment
JNCCMNCR10085631 JNCCMNCR10000253 1987 OPRU HRE Dart Estuary survey JNCCMNCR10003643 1987-05-13 1987-05-13 D Outer Warfleet Creek (Dart Estuary) Point 50.343768186529 -3.57187964775479 WGS84 140685 Patella vulgata FALSE R Not set FALSE Upper shore steep bedrock at 3.8 to 4.8m, dominated by Pelvetia canaliculata. Fucus spiralis and Catenella caespitosa occasional. NOTE: Substratum % data are converted from the original substratum 1-3 scoring system.
JNCCMNCR10085645 JNCCMNCR10000253 1987 OPRU HRE Dart Estuary survey JNCCMNCR10003644 1987-05-13 1987-05-13 D Outer Warfleet Creek (Dart Estuary) Point 50.343768186529 -3.57187964775479 WGS84 140685 Patella vulgata FALSE F Not set FALSE Upper midshore and midshore steep bedrock. Dominated by barnacles and limpets. Semibalanus balanoides abundant at bottom of habitat. Chthamalus montagui more abundant at top of habitat. NOTE: Substratum % data are converted from the original substratum 1-3 scoring system.
JNCCMNCR10085670 JNCCMNCR10000253 1987 OPRU HRE Dart Estuary survey JNCCMNCR10003645 1987-05-13 1987-05-13 D Outer Warfleet Creek (Dart Estuary) Point 50.343768186529 -3.57187964775479 WGS84 140685 Patella vulgata FALSE C Not set FALSE Lower midshore steep bedrock. Fucus vesiculosus and some Fucus serratus. Littorina saxitilis common in Fucus and dead barnacle shells. Semibalanus balanoides abundant. Patella vulgata common. NOTE: Substratum % data are converted from the original substratum 1-3 scoring system.
JNCCMNCR10085714 JNCCMNCR10000253 1987 OPRU HRE Dart Estuary survey JNCCMNCR10003646 1987-05-13 1987-05-13 D Outer Warfleet Creek (Dart Estuary) Point 50.343768186529 -3.57187964775479 WGS84 140685 Patella vulgata FALSE R Not set FALSE Boulders scattered on sediment, often with small pools underneath where numerous Carcinus, Pholis and some Cancer congregate. Verruca stroemia, Pomatoceros also common. NOTE: Substratum % data are converted from the original substratum 1-3 scoring system.