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Northern Ireland planning statistics annual datasetNorthern Ireland planning statistics 2023/24 annual

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ID DateReceived ReceivedQ DateValid Authority LPA19CD LPA19NM Constituency AppType Classification StatsCategory Urban_Rural HousingType RenewableType Proposal SiteAddress Easting Northing Status@31Mar Decision_Withdrawal DecisionIssuedDate DecidedQ DateWithdrawn WithdrawnQ processingtime_wks Live@31Mar timeinsystem
P/2007/0422/F 20-Mar-2007 Not set 20-Mar-2007 Newry, Mourne and Down N13000011 Newry, Mourne and Down LPA NEWRY AND ARMAGH Full Local Residential Urban Urban housing developments Erection of residential development with access off Dublin Road, parking provision (part underground), associated site works and landscaping (revised scheme for 44 No. apartments (in two 4-storey blocks of 22 apartments) and 1 No. detached dwelling with individual access off Dublin Road, with demolition of the existing dwellings at Nos. 97 and 99 Dublin Road) (Amended Plans received) Nos. 97 and 99 Dublin Road, Newry (extending to lands to the north (rear) of Nos. 1-8 Riverdale House, off Heslips Lane) 308,074 324,609 Approved Approved 23-Jan-2024 Q4 Not set Not set 837.4 Not set
H/2009/0264/O 06-May-2009 Not set 13-May-2009 Strategic Planning Division N13000012 Department for Infrastructure LPA MID ULSTER Outline Major Residential Rural: Countryside Rural housing developments (countryside) Demolition of unlisted buildings to facilitate the heritage led regeneration (restoration and retention of listed mill buildings) of the former William Clark and Sons Linen Mill complex incorporating: residential development, leisure and recreational uses, community facilities including museum/exhibition space and other associated site works.(Additional Drawings) Former William Clark & Sons Ltd, Upperlands, Maghera Co Londonderry. 287,047 404,963 Approved Approved 19-Oct-2023 Q3 Not set Not set 717.8 Not set
H/2009/0270/F 06-May-2009 Not set 27-May-2009 Strategic Planning Division N13000012 Department for Infrastructure LPA MID ULSTER Full Major Residential Rural: Countryside Rural housing developments (countryside) Works to listed buildings to include: the extension, and conversion of the former Art Deco Building into a new factory (extending to 4,030 sq metres); change of use and retention of 1a for car parking; change of use and retention of 14a as a communal space; change of use and refurbishment of buildings 3a and 13a to create 18 apartments; alterations and extension of 2 existing dwellings - buildings 2a and 21a; change of use, extension and refurbishment of buildings 4b, 4c, 4e and 25a for museum/exhibition space and other associated site works Former William Clark & Sons Ltd, Upperlands, Maghera Co Londonderry 287,048 404,966 Approved Approved 19-Oct-2023 Q3 Not set Not set 716.0 Not set
H/2009/0271/LB 06-May-2009 Not set 27-May-2009 Strategic Planning Division N13000012 Department for Infrastructure LPA MID ULSTER Listed Building Consents Local Mixed Use Rural: Countryside Works to listed buildings to include: the extension, and conversion of the former Art Deco Building into a new factory (extending to 4,030 sq metres); change of use and retention of 1a for car parking; change of use and retention of 14a as a communal space; change of use and refurbishment of buildings 3a and 13a to create 18 apartments; alterations and extension of 2 existing dwellings - buildings 2a and 21a; change of use, extension and refurbishment of buildings 4b, 4c, 4e and 25a for museum/exhibition space and other associated site works. Former William Clark & Sons Ltd, Upperlands Maghera, Co Londonderry 287,048 404,962 Approved Approved 19-Oct-2023 Q3 Not set Not set 716.0 Not set