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Major Projects Portfolio data for Cabinet OfficeQuarter 2 2012 to 2013 Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) data as part of the Major Projects Authority Annual Report
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Download this fileProject name | Public Services Network Programme | National Cyber Security Programme | National Citizen Service | Electoral Registration Transformation Programme | G-Cloud Programme (covers Data Centre Consolidation and Application Store) |
Department | CO | CO | CO | CO | CO |
MPA RAG rating (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red Amber/Red Amber Amber/Green Green; definitions in the MPA Annual Report) | Green | Amber | Amber | Amber | Amber/Red |
Description / aims | The Public Services Network is creating a single network for government IT, ensuring information can be securely and easily accessed by service providers wherever they are, ridding us of the cost and inefficiency of multiple, incompatible networks. | The National Cyber Security Programme (NCSP) was put in place as a consequence of the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR), with a budget of £650 million over 4 years. Its aim is to deliver a transformative programme to give the UK a strategic advantage in cyber security and resilience. The programme is managed by the Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance (OCSIA) in the Cabinet Office. | National Citizen Service (NCS) is a flagship government programme that gives 16 and 17-year-olds the chance to learn new skills and get involved in their communities. NCS promotes: a more cohesive society by mixing participants of different backgrounds; a more responsible society by supporting young peoples transition into adulthood; and a more engaged society by enabling young people to work together to create social action projects in their local communities. NCS brings young people together from different backgrounds (e.g. religious, ethnic and socioeconomic) to work together, and teaches them what it means to be responsible and serve their communities. It is a high quality personal development programme that gives young people a chance to prove to themselves and their peers what they can do. In 2012 the programme tripled the programme from 2011. The 2013/14 delivery model sees a move from grant funding to contracts for all NCS providers, including new providers. The programme is also establishing an Independent Management Body to manage NCS contracts, and support providers to thrive and grow. | The Electoral Registration Transformation Programme will speed up implementation of Individual Electoral Registration (IER) to tackle electoral fraud and improve the integrity of the electoral register. This will include legislation to bring forward implementation of compulsory IER to 2014, ahead of the next general election. Instead of one person filling in the annual registration form and including everyone's details, individuals will be expected to complete their own details and give supporting information - i.e. a national insurance number. Ensuring that the electoral register is as full as possible (i) will lead to increased democratic participation; (ii) gives a voice to local people leading to a legitimate political mandate; (iii) assists local people by supporting identification and residence, and (iv) is used as a basis for the collection of national statistics. | Implementing the Government Cloud, CloudStore (formerly the Applications Store) and rationalising the number of data centres (programme now known as Hosting Services Consolidation) in order to deliver financial savings. Achieved by the delivery of the following action identified in the Government ICT Strategy published in March 2011: * Create a online Applications Store by April 2012 * Reduce the cost of data centres across the Government estate leading to a 35% reduction in costs over 5 years. Produce a plan by October 2011 * Publish a Cloud Computing Strategy by October 2011 |