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Local Planning Authorities (April 2022) Boundaries UK BFECSV

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OBJECTID LPA22CD LPA22NM BNG_E BNG_N LONG LAT Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E60000001 County Durham LPA 410381 532242 -1.84049999713898 54.685131072998 2232592912.55597 310048.146593874 bc078255-15b0-493c-a877-75a5a759eaf1
2 E60000002 Darlington LPA 428029 515648 -1.56834995746613 54.5353393554688 197477768.128265 107203.152334417 2df59ee6-c634-4953-ac46-c26c1df4c423
3 E60000003 Hartlepool LPA 447160 531474 -1.27017998695373 54.676139831543 98351072.8359222 66110.0110275701 3718da52-adb1-4c79-9252-20ae66f070f5
4 E60000004 Middlesbrough LPA 451141 516887 -1.2109899520874 54.5446701049805 54553586.4644165 41055.7897904943 f17504f0-44b6-48db-b7dd-e04c87e7db64