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Trafford Council - Senior Salariessenior-employees.csv

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OrganisationLabel OrganisationURI EffectiveDate JobTitle Name Directorate Service Salary PensionContribution Bonuses ExpenseAllowances LossOfPostCompensation BenefitsInKind BonusDetails BenefitsDetails Responsibilities
Trafford Council 2024-04-01 Chief Executive Sara Todd Chief Executive NA 190446 36566 0 125 0 0 NA NA Executive direction for the Council to achieve its co-operative vision through: Accountable for the overall performance of the Council and the Council's net revenue budget, Head of Paid Service, Returning Officer for the Elections
Trafford Council 2024-04-01 Deputy Chief Executive/Corporate Director of Strategy and Resources Sara Saleh Strategy & Resources NA 152217 1727 0 0 0 0 NA NA Strategic HR for Trafford Council and NHS Trafford CCG, Greater Manchester Shared Services, Marketing and Communications, Catering & Cleaning, Bereavement Services, Music Service, Commercial portfolio
Trafford Council 2024-04-01 Director of Finance and Systems (Section 151 Officer) NA Finance & Systems NA 115000 22118 0 138 0 0 NA NA Undertake the statutory duties of the Council's Director of Finance under section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 and to make arrangements for the proper administration of the Council’s financial affairs, monitoring their effectiveness in practice, Provide effective strategic leadership to drive the necessary digital transformation ensuring that the digital agenda and a high quality ICT back office service support our ambitions for a modern council.
Trafford Council 2024-04-01 Director of Legal and Governance Services (Monitoring Officer) NA Governance & Community Strategy NA 100317 19289 0 0 0 0 NA NA Legal Services, Governance, Elections, Democratic Services, Registrars