This dataset uses ONS Claimant Count estimates to monitor unemployment in Leicester. Claimant data by age and sex are presented here for Leicester and England to allow for comparison. This dataset shows data for the latest available month only.
Claimant Count is the number of people claiming Universal Credit or Jobseekers' Allowance principally for the reason of being unemployed.
Claimant Count is a useful proxy for unemployment because it is the most comprehensive unemployment-related dataset published at geographies smaller than the local authority level. While there is significant overlap, it is not the same as the national measure for unemployment, which is based on estimates from the Labour Force Survey and Annual Population Survey.
Claimant Count is best used for understanding short term changes in the labour market and the relative position of small areas.
Rates are calculated using ONS mid-year estimates for the 16-64 year old population as a denominator.
The ONS does not publish claimant count rate estimates for the age bands presented here, so these are not official estimates and should be treated with caution.
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