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Cabinet Office Senior Officials' Business ExpensesCabinet Office - Senior Officials - Expenses - July to September 2018

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Name Start date of trip Duration of Visit (Days) Destination Purpose of trip (specific) Mode of transport Class of travel Accommodation / Meals Other (including hospitality given) Total cost, including all visas, accommodation, travel, meals etc. (£) Total Cost of Use of Official Secure Car
John Manzoni 04/07/18 2 Cardiff Civil Service Live Rail Standard Y Not set £158.10 Not set
John Manzoni 09/07/18 1 London Time Saved Justified Taxi Not set Not set Not set £22.15 Not set
John Manzoni 11/07/18 2 Newcastle Civil Service Live Rail First Y Not set £633.60 Not set
John Manzoni 20/09/18 1 Belfast The Future of Data in the Public Sector, Northern Ireland (NICS event) Air Economy Not set Not set £282.77 Not set