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Fire and Rescue Authorities (December 2023) EW BSCCSV

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FID FRA23CD FRA23NM BNG_E BNG_N LONG LAT Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E31000001 Avon 367434 175258 -2.47029 51.47533 1332447993.63987 234693.846710285 a390d71d-33af-4473-9328-6a15f76a42c9
2 E31000002 Bedfordshire 508275 242056 -0.42186 52.06631 1234410943.05007 226690.130595711 550b8b5d-d27f-4036-b839-75bb953b637d
3 E31000003 Royal Berkshire 465737 173159 -1.0553 51.4536 1261313220.60767 271282.477180749 7ff9987d-358a-4b04-9a5c-7d953d05c31f
4 E31000004 Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes 482503 217842 -0.80353 51.85309 1875139587.36704 373901.566062696 d996c791-ed62-4ab2-9a87-046d53a2ee9b