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Spend over £500 with Government Procurement Cards (GPC) and Electronic Purchasing Card Solution (ePCS) in the Department for EducationDfE GPC / ePCS Spend over £500: June 2015

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Department Entity Date Supplier Amount Expense Description
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 09/06/2015 STAR ADS MONTHLY 8002.95 Payment to the Toronto Star Newspaper for advertisement of teacher recruitment in the careers section for three days and on the website for 30 days.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 18/06/2015 LEXIS NEXIS 2293.45 Four copies of Law of Education Issue 137 for DfE legal library.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 04/06/2015 BACK IN ACTION (EX 1123.25 Purchase of ergonomic chair and associated equipment for one DfE Official.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Education Funding Agency 05/06/2015 THE BEECHES 2695.50 External room hire, refreshments and lunch for 75 DfE Officials for a one day event in connection with the Priority School Building Programme.