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Spend over £500 with Government Procurement Cards (GPC) and Electronic Purchasing Card Solution (ePCS) in the Department for EducationDfE GPC Spend over £500: April 2015

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Department Entity Date Supplier Amount Expense Description
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 22/04/2015 PARK PLAZA RIVERBANK 3659.95 This payment was for team workshops for both the Regional Schools Commissioners office staff and the relevant Academies Group colleagues. In total there were 40 people. The costs include room hire, refreshments and lunch. There were also six rooms for Regional Schools Commissioners office staff that needed overnight accommodation.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 20/04/2015 PCWB TELESALES -2251.81 This is a refund for a payment made on 01/10/14. The order relates to four tablets to be used for remote working and was cancelled as the order was placed elsewhere.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 15/04/2015 OXFORD UNIVERSITY 1900.00 Annual registration fee for a Master of Science degree at Oxford University undertaken by one DfE Official.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Education Funding Agency 09/04/2015 THE GRANARY 1224.00 This payment was for Executive Management Meetings at the Granary Hotel in Fawsley, Northamptonshire.