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Spend over £25,000 in NHSBSAspend for August 2018

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Department family Entity Date Expense type Expense area Supplier Transaction number Amount Description Supplier Post Code
Departmen of Health NHS Business Services Authority 03/08/2018 Temporary Staff Corporate Services CLICK TRAVEL LIMITED 0050035093 59,381.13 JULY2018 BSA TRAVEL B1 1TT
Departmen of Health NHS Business Services Authority 14/08/2018 Apprenticeship Levy Corporate Services HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS 948PX00194660 0050035128 29,452.00 948PX00194660JUL18 NE98 1ZZ
Departmen of Health NHS Business Services Authority 14/08/2018 Statutory Payment Statutory Payments HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS 948PX00194660 0050035128 1,528,243.03 948PX00194660JUL18 NE98 1ZZ
Departmen of Health NHS Business Services Authority 30/08/2018 Rates Charges Corporate Services NEWCASTLE CITY COUNCIL 0050035223 36,071.00 RATES AUG 18 NE99 2PT