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Annual Travel to Work Survey2020

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Workplace Post Code Survey Date Q1. What was the main mode of transport you used to get to work today (e.g. the mode of transport that covered the longest distance)? Q2. We are interested in how you are travelling from home to work since the end of Lockdown. Please tell us how you are currently travelling at each stage of your journey (i.e. your usual mode of transport, the time it takes and your destination). Use as many stages as you need. The first mode cannot be public transport (i.e. please describe how you travel to the bus stop or train station). Have your daily work and travel patterns changed as a result of COVID 19? Please tell us how you usually travelled to work on each day of the week before Lockdown and how you travel now. There are also options for working from home and for non-working days. Q3. Before Lockdown, what was your main mode of travel on Monday? Q4. Before Lockdown, what was your main mode of travel on Tuesday? Q5.Before Lockdown, what was your main mode of travel on Wednesday? Q6.Before Lockdown, what was your main mode of travel on Thursday? Q7.Before Lockdown, what was your main mode of travel on Friday? Q8.Before Lockdown, what was your main mode of travel on Saturday? Q9.Before Lockdown, what was your main mode of travel on Sunday? Q10.What is your main mode of travel on Monday now? Q11.What is your main mode of travel on Tuesday now? Q12What is your main mode of travel on Wednesday now? Q13. What is your main mode of travel on Thursday now? Q14. What is your main mode of travel on Friday now? Q15.What is your main mode of travel on Saturday now? Q16. What is your main mode of travel on Sunday now? Has your car use changed? Please tell us about using your car for work and your parking arrangements, before Lockdown and what you do now. Q17.Before Lockdown did you use your car for work purposes during the day? Answer to Q17. "other please specify)Before Lockdown did you use your car for work purposes during the day? Q18.Before Lockdown where did you usually park? Before Lockdown where did you usually park? Q19. Do you use your car for work purposes during the day now? Do you use your car for work purposes during the day now? Q20. Where do you usually park now? Where do you usually park now? Q21. How much does it cost you to park per day? Q22. What type of fuel does your vehicle use? What type of fuel does your vehicle use?
BD10 0 23/10/2020 08:49 Foot Foot Not set Foot Foot Foot Foot Foot Foot Non-working day Foot Foot Foot Foot Foot Foot Non-working day Not set Never Not set Not set Not set Never Not set Not set Not set Parking is free Diesel Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
BD10 0 23/10/2020 08:54 Car (Single Occupant) Car (Single Occupant) Not set Car (single occupant) Car (single occupant) Car (single occupant) Car (single occupant) Car (single occupant) Non-working day Non-working day Car (single occupant) Car (single occupant) Car (single occupant) Car (single occupant) Car (single occupant) Non-working day Non-working day Not set Never Not set A car park where I work provided by my employer Not set Never Not set A car park where I work provided by my employer Not set Parking is free Diesel Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
BD10 0 23/10/2020 09:00 Car (Single Occupant) Car (Single Occupant) Not set Car (single occupant) Car (single occupant) Car (single occupant) Non-working day Non-working day Non-working day Non-working day Car (single occupant) Car (single occupant) Car (single occupant) Non-working day Non-working day Non-working day Non-working day Not set Never Not set A car park where I work provided by my employer Not set Never Not set A car park where I work provided by my employer Not set Parking is free Petrol Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set