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Workforce Management Information - HM Revenue & Customs and Valuation Office AgencyWorkforce management information for August 2024

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Year Month Organisation name Organisation type Main, parent or sponsoring department: Payroll staff; AO/AA; Headcount Payroll staff; AO/AA; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; EO; Headcount Payroll staff; EO; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; SEO/HEO; Headcount Payroll staff; SEO/HEO; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Grade 6/7; Headcount Payroll staff; Grade 6/7; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; SCS; Headcount Payroll staff; SCS; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Other, unknown, unspecified; Headcount Payroll staff; Other, unknown, unspecified; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Total; Headcount Payroll staff; Total; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Admin and Clerical; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Admin and Clerical; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Interim Managers & Specialist Contractors & Medical; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Interim Managers & Specialist Contractors & Medical; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Other Contingent labour; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Other Contingent labour; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Total Contingent labour; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Total Contingent labour; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Consultancy; Number of Contracts Grand Total (workforce numbers); Headcount Grand Total (workforce numbers); Full-time equivalent Payroll staff costs; Salary Payroll staff costs; Allowances Payroll staff costs; Non-consolidated performance payments Payroll staff costs; Overtime Payroll staff costs; Employer pension contributions Payroll staff costs; Employer national insurance contributions Payroll staff costs; Total paybill Non-Payroll staff costs; Contingent labour Non-Payroll staff costs; Consultancy Non-Payroll staff costs; Total staff costs Grand Total paybill/staffing (payroll and non-payroll) costs
2024 August HM Revenue and Customs Non-Ministerial Department HM Revenue and Customs 17646 15508.22 14501 13533.12 23951 22845.5 8879 8471.52 506 493.58 9 9 65,492 60,861 2210 2210 341 341 0 0 2551 2551 0 68,043 63,412 £190,983,470.45 £454,150.76 £1,500.00 £3,903,716.15 £54,263,316.18 £21,067,160.51 £270,673,314.05 £12,350,163.65 £0.00 £12,350,163.65 £283,023,477.70
2024 August Valuation Office Executive Agency HM Revenue and Customs 834 773.38 872 811.31 1724 1625.93 511 487.97 20 20 0 0 3,961 3,719 23 23 3 3 0 0 26 26 0 3,987 3,745 £12,152,038.77 £0.00 £11,837.32 £1,958.08 £3,150,115.66 £1,159,218.98 £16,475,168.81 £111,323.16 £718,630.94 £829,954.10 £17,305,122.90