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National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP) - Adult asthma and COPD organisational audit 2019National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP) - Adult asthma and COPD organisational audit 2019: Data description file (CSV)

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hosp_name trust_healthboard country copd asthma allmed_adms resp_adms copd_adms asthma_adms admsperbed respadmsperrespbed copdadmsper1000adms asthmaadmsper1000adms q1_1COPDAdmins q1_1COPDAdminsNo propCOPDadmsdisdie q1_2AAAdmins q1_2AAAdminsNo propasthmaadmsdisdie q1_3MedBeds q1_4RespWardBeds q1_4RespWardBedsNo q1_4aRespWardBedsL2 l2bedsper1000respadms q1_5HDUs q1_5aHDUBeds hdubedsper10000adms q1_6ICU q1_6aICUBeds icubedsper10000adms q2_1PhysiFWTE q2_1PhysiFWTE_cat q2_1PhysiFWTEp1kr q2_1PhysiFWTEp1kc q2_1PhysiFWTEp1ka q2_1PhysiUWTE q2_1PhysiUWTE_cat q2_1CT1_2FWTE q2_1CT1_2FWTE_cat q2_1CT1_2FWTEp1kr q2_1CT1_2FWTEp1kc q2_1CT1_2FWTEp1ka q2_1CT1_2UWTE q2_1CT1_2UWTE_cat q2_1ST3WTE q2_1ST3WTE_cat q2_1ST3WTEp1kr q2_1ST3WTEp1kc q2_1ST3WTEp1ka q2_1ST3UWTE q2_1ST3UWTE_cat q2_1RespConsWTE q2_1RespConsWTE_cat q2_1RespConsWTEp1kr q2_1RespConsWTEp1kc q2_1RespConsWTEp1ka q2_1RespConsUWTE q2_1RespConsUWTE_cat q2_1AssSpecWTE q2_1AssSpecWTE_cat q2_1AssSpecWTEp1kr q2_1AssSpecWTEp1kc q2_1AssSpecWTEp1ka q2_1AssSpecUWTE q2_1AssSpecUWTE_cat q2_1StaffGradeWTE q2_1StaffGradeWTE_cat q2_1StaffGradeWTEp1kr q2_1StaffGradeWTEp1kc q2_1StaffGradeWTEp1ka q2_1StaffGradeUWTE q2_1StaffGradeUWTE_cat q2_1GenRespNurSpecFWTE q2_1GenRespNurSpecFWTE_cat q2_1GenRespNurSpecFWTEp1kr q2_1GenRespNurSpecFWTEp1kc q2_1GenRespNurSpecFWTEp1ka q2_1GenRespNurSpecUWTE q2_1GenRespNurSpecUWTE_cat q2_1COPDNurWTE q2_1COPDNurWTE_cat q2_1COPDNurWTEp1kr q2_1COPDNurWTEp1kc q2_1COPDNurWTEp1ka q2_1COPDNurUWTE q2_1COPDNurUWTE_cat q2_1AsthmaNurWTE q2_1AsthmaNurWTE_cat q2_1AsthmaNurWTEp1kr q2_1AsthmaNurWTEp1kc q2_1AsthmaNurWTEp1ka q2_1AsthmaNurUWTE q2_1AsthmaNurUWTE_cat q2_1NurseConsWTE q2_1NurseConsWTE_cat q2_1NurseConsWTEp1kr q2_1NurseConsWTEp1kc q2_1NurseConsWTEp1ka q2_1NurseConsUWTE q2_1NurseConsUWTE_cat q2_1PhysioConsWTE q2_1PhysioConsWTE_cat q2_1PhysioConsWTEp1kr q2_1PhysioConsWTEp1kc q2_1PhysioConsWTEp1ka q2_1PhysioConsUWTE q2_1PhysioConsUWTE_cat q2_1SpecRespNurWTE q2_1SpecRespNurWTE_cat q2_1SpecRespNurWTEp1kr q2_1SpecRespNurWTEp1kc q2_1SpecRespNurWTEp1ka q2_1SpecRespNurUWTE q2_1SpecRespNurUWTE_cat q2_1RespPhysioWTE q2_1RespPhysioWTE_cat q2_1RespPhysioWTEp1kr q2_1RespPhysioWTEp1kc q2_1RespPhysioWTEp1ka q2_1RespPhysioUWTE q2_1RespPhysioUWTE_cat q2_1OtherWTE q2_1OtherWTE_cat q2_1OtherWTEp1kr q2_1OtherWTEp1kc q2_1OtherWTEp1ka q2_1OtherUWTE q2_1OtherUWTE_cat q2_1OtherWTEOther q3_1RespTeamAcuteTake q3_2OnCall q3_3RepPhyDedOnCall q3_4ClinLeadCOPD q3_5ClinLeadAA q3_6DMReviewWD q3_6DMReviewWE q3_7_copd q3_7_asthma q3_7_neither q3_7_no q3_8_copd q3_8_asthma q3_8_neither q3_8_no q3_9_copd q3_9_asthma q3_9_no q3_9a_nopharm q3_9a_nrt q3_9a_varenicline q3_9a_bupropion q3_9a_none q4_1_week q4_1_weekend q4_1_ooh q4_1_no q4_2_week q4_2_weekend q4_2_ooh q4_2_no q4_3_week q4_3_weekend q4_3_ooh q4_3_no q4_4_AMU_week q4_4_AMU_weekend q4_4_AMU_ooh q4_4_AMU_no q4_4_Resp_week q4_4_Resp_weekend q4_4_Resp_ooh q4_4_Resp_no q4_4_Other_week q4_4_Other_weekend q4_4_Other_ooh q4_4_Other_no q4_5_COPD_week q4_5_COPD_weekend q4_5_COPD_ooh q4_5_COPD_no q4_5_AA_week q4_5_AA_weekend q4_5_AA_ooh q4_5_AA_no q4_6_COPD_week q4_6_COPD_weekend q4_6_COPD_ooh q4_6_COPD_no q4_6_AA_week q4_6_AA_weekend q4_6_AA_ooh q4_6_AA_no q5_1EPRSystem q5_1EPRSupplier q5_2_avoid q5_2_early q5_2_care q5_2_no q5_2_nk q5_3OxygenPolicy q5_4WardChartOxy q5_5_offered q5_5_trained q5_5_areas q5_5_early q5_5_plan q5_5_2hrchk q5_5_none q5_6EarlyWarning q5_6a_target q5_6a_actual q5_6a_amount q5_6a_none q5_7_hosp q5_7_otherhosp q5_7_community q5_7_no q5_7aPRService4Weeks q6_1SevAsthmaServ q6_1aPathSevAsthmaServ q6_2_out_hosp q6_2_out_hospcomm q6_2_out_notprov q6_2_in_comm q6_2_in_commhosp q6_2_in_notprov q6_2_AdminAvoid_hosp q6_2_AdminAvoid_comm q6_2_AdminAvoid_commhosp q6_2_AdminAvoid_notprov q6_2_OxyAss_hosp q6_2_OxyAss_comm q6_2_OxyAss_commhosp q6_2_OxyAss_notprov q6_2_DisMan_hosp q6_2_DisMan_comm q6_2_DisMan_commhosp q6_2_DisMan_notprov q6_2_ChronDisMan_hosp q6_2_ChronDisMan_comm q6_2_ChronDisMan_commhosp q6_2_ChronDisMan_notprov q6_2_NebServ_hosp q6_2_NebServ_comm q6_2_NebServ_commhosp q6_2_NebServ_notprov q6_2_SmokCess_hosp q6_2_SmokCess_comm q6_2_SmokCess_commhosp q6_2_SmokCess_notprov q6_3MDTMeet q6_3aMDTMeetWhen q6_3aMDTMeetWhenOther q6_3b_respcons q6_3b_otherrespspec q6_3b_gp q6_3b_wardnurse q6_3b_commnurse q6_3b_wardphysio q6_3b_commphysio q6_3b_wardpharm q6_3b_wardOT q6_3b_commpharm q6_3b_commOT q6_3b_smokcesscoun q6_3b_psychol q6_3b_other q6_3bOtherAttendsDetails q6_4DevIntResp q6_4a_ICrespcons q6_4a_respcons q6_4a_respnurs q6_4a_nurscons q6_4a_respphysio q6_4a_other q6_4aDevIntRespInvResOther q7_1Surveys q7_2StratGroupRS q7_2aStratGroupPatRep q8_1_fullrec q8_1_gprec q8_1_transplan q8_1_caseworker q8_1_notrans q9_1COPDCosts q9_1COPDCostsOther q9_2BPTpayments q9_3AsthmaCosts q9_3AsthmaCostsOther q9_4CQUINorLIPAsthmacare q9_4CQUINorLIPAsthmacareother q9_4CQUINorLIPCOPDcare q9_4CQUINorLIPCOPDcareother
The full name of the hospital The full name of the trust or health board The country in which the patient is resident Indicates the hospital participates in the NACAP COPD audit: 1 = Yes, 0 = No Indicates the hospital participates in the NACAP adult asthma audit: 1 = Yes, 0 = No Number of medical admissions in the 2018/19 financial year Number of respiratory admissions in the 2018/19 financial year Number of COPD admissions in the 2018/19 financial year Number of Asthma admissions in the 2018/19 financial year Total number of admissions per bed Number of respiratory admissions per respiratory bed Number of COPD admissions per 1000 admissions Number of asthma admissions per 1000 admissions Number of emergency COPD coded respiratory admissions were discharged from, or died, on your dedicated respiratory ward(s) in the 2018/19 financial year The hospital does not have a respiratory ward The proportion of emergency COPD coded respiratory admissions were discharged from, or died, on your dedicated respiratory ward(s) in the 2018/19 financial year Number of emergency Asthma coded respiratory admissions were discharged from, or died, on your dedicated respiratory ward(s) in the 2018/19 financial year The hospital does not have a respiratory ward Proportion of emergency Asthma coded respiratory admissions were discharged from, or died, on your dedicated respiratory ward(s) in the 2018/19 financial year Number of medical beds in the hospital Number of respiratory ward beds The hospital does not have a respiratory ward Number of level 2 respiratory ward beds Number of level 2 respiratory ward beds per 1000 admissions Does the hospital have a High Dependency Unit(s) (HDUs) to which respiratory patients can be admitted? Number of HDU beds in the hospital to which COPD and asthma patients can be admitted Number of HDU beds per 10000 admissions Does the hospital have a Intensive Care Unit(s) (ICUs) to which respiratory patients can be admitted? Number of ICU beds in the hospital to which COPD and asthma patients can be admitted Number of ICU beds per 10000 admissions Number of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: FY1/FY2 WTE of staff posts (filled and unfilled) in the respiratory team: FY1/FY2 WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: FY1/FY2 WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: FY1/FY2 WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: FY1/FY2 Number of unfilled staff posts: FY1/FY2 WTE of unfilled staff posts: FY1/FY2 Number of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: CT1/CT2 WTE of staff posts (filled and unfilled) in the respiratory team: CT1/CT2 WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: CT1/CT2 WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: CT1/CT2 WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: CT1/CT2 Number of unfilled staff posts: CT1/CT2 WTE of unfilled staff posts: CT1/CT2 Number of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: ST3 and above WTE of staff posts (filled and unfilled) in the respiratory team: ST3 and above WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: ST3 and above WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: ST3 and above WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: ST3 and above Number of unfilled staff posts: ST3 and above WTE of unfilled staff posts: ST3 and above Number of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: Respiratory consultant WTE of staff posts (filled and unfilled) in the respiratory team: Respiratory consultant WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: Respiratory consultant WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: Respiratory consultant WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: Respiratory consultant Number of unfilled staff posts: Respiratory consultant WTE of unfilled staff posts: Respiratory consultant Number of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: Associate specialist WTE of staff posts (filled and unfilled) in the respiratory team: Associate specialist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: Associate specialist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: Associate specialist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: Associate specialist Number of unfilled staff posts: Associate specialist WTE of unfilled staff posts: Associate specialist Number of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: Staff grade WTE of staff posts (filled and unfilled) in the respiratory team: Staff grade WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: Staff grade WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: Staff grade WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: Staff grade Number of unfilled staff posts: Staff grade WTE of unfilled staff posts: Staff grade Number of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: General respiratory nurse specialist WTE of staff posts (filled and unfilled) in the respiratory team: General respiratory nurse specialist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: General respiratory nurse specialist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: General respiratory nurse specialist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: General respiratory nurse specialist Number of unfilled staff posts: General respiratory nurse specialist WTE of unfilled staff posts: General respiratory nurse specialist Number of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: COPD nurse specialist WTE of staff posts (filled and unfilled) in the respiratory team: COPD nurse specialist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: COPD nurse specialist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: COPD nurse specialist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: COPD nurse specialist Number of unfilled staff posts: COPD nurse specialist WTE of unfilled staff posts: COPD nurse specialist WTE of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: asthma nurse specialist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: asthma nurse specialist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: asthma nurse specialist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: asthma nurse specialist Number of unfilled staff posts: asthma nurse specialist WTE of unfilled staff posts: asthma nurse specialist WTE of unfilled staff posts: asthma nurse specialist WTE of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: Nurse consultant WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: Nurse consultant WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: Nurse consultant WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: Nurse consultant Number of unfilled staff posts: Nurse consultant WTE of unfilled staff posts: Nurse consultant WTE of unfilled staff posts: Nurse consultant WTE of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: Physiotherapist consultant WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: Physiotherapist consultant WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: Physiotherapist consultant WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: Physiotherapist consultant Number of unfilled staff posts: Physiotherapist consultant WTE of unfilled staff posts: Physiotherapist consultant WTE of unfilled staff posts: Physiotherapist consultant WTE of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: Specialist respiratory physiotherapist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: Specialist respiratory physiotherapist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: Specialist respiratory physiotherapist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: Specialist respiratory physiotherapist Number of unfilled staff posts: Specialist respiratory physiotherapist WTE of unfilled staff posts: Specialist respiratory physiotherapist WTE of unfilled staff posts: Specialist respiratory physiotherapist WTE of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: Respiratory physiolgist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: Respiratory physiologist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: Respiratory physiolgist WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: Respiratory physiolgist Number of unfilled staff posts: Respiratory physiolgist WTE of unfilled staff posts: Respiratory physiolgist WTE of unfilled staff posts: Respiratory physiolgist WTE of staff posts (filled) in the respiratory team: Other WTE per 1,000 adult emergency respiratory admissions: Other WTE per 1,000 adult emergency COPD admissions: Other WTE per 1,000 adult emergency asthma admissions: Other Number of unfilled staff posts: Other WTE of unfilled staff posts: Other WTE of unfilled staff posts: Other Types of other staff posts (filled and unfilled) in the hospital Do senior members of the respiratory team contribute to the acute medical take? Approximately how often is either a respiratory consultant or ST3 and above on call for acute medicine? Do respiratory physicians operate a dedicated on-call rota at your hospital for respiratory emergency admissions? Does your hospital have a designated, named clinical lead for COPD? Does your hospital have a designated, named clinical lead for asthma? Frequency with which patients with COPD and asthma on the admissions ward reviewed by any senior decision maker (ST3 or above): Weekdays Frequency with which patients with COPD and asthma on the admissions ward reviewed by any senior decision maker (ST3 or above): Weekends Which patients have access to an inpatient dietetic service: COPD Which patients have access to an inpatient dietetic service: Asthma Which patients have access to an inpatient dietetic service: Neither No inpatient dietetic service available in this hospital Which patients have access to an palliative care service: COPD Which patients have access to an palliative care service: Asthma Which patients have access to an palliative care service: Neither No palliative care service available in this hospital Which patients have access to an smoking cessation service: COPD Which patients have access to an smoking cessation service: Asthma Which patients have access to an smoking cessation service: Neither No smoking cessation service available in this hospital Smoking-cessation pharmaco-therapies routinely available within the hospital’s pharmacy to inpatients: Nicotine replacement therapy Smoking-cessation pharmaco-therapies routinely available within the hospital’s pharmacy to inpatients: Varenicline Smoking-cessation pharmaco-therapies routinely available within the hospital’s pharmacy to inpatients: Bupropion The hospital pharmacy does not offer any of these therapies Days and times the hospital provides an ICU outreach service for critically ill cases requiring ICU management: Weekdays Days and times the hospital provides an ICU outreach service for critically ill cases requiring ICU management: Weekends Days and times the hospital provides an ICU outreach service for critically ill cases requiring ICU management: Out of hours The hospital does not provide an ICU outreach service Days and times the hospital operates a system of specialty triage of patients to respiratory medicine: Weekdays Days and times the hospital operates a system of specialty triage of patients to respiratory medicine: Weekends Days and times the hospital operates a system of specialty triage of patients to respiratory medicine: Out of hours No specialty triage of patients to respiratory medicine Days and times the hospital has an on-call respiratory consultant available: Weekdays Days and times the hospital has an on-call respiratory consultant available: Weekends Days and times the hospital has an on-call respiratory consultant available: Out of hours No on-call respiratory consultant available Days and times a senior decision maker from the respiratory team (ST3 or above) undertakes a ward round of new COPD and asthma patients on AMU/admissions wards: Weekdays Days and times a senior decision maker from the respiratory team (ST3 or above) undertakes a ward round of new COPD and asthma patients on AMU/admissions wards: Weekends Days and times a senior decision maker from the respiratory team (ST3 or above) undertakes a ward round of new COPD and asthma patients on AMU/admissions wards: Out of hours Days and times a senior decision maker from the respiratory team (ST3 or above) undertakes a ward round of new COPD and asthma patients on AMU/admissions wards: None Days and times a senior decision maker from the respiratory team (ST3 or above) undertakes a ward round of new COPD and asthma patients on respiratory wards: Weekdays Days and times a senior decision maker from the respiratory team (ST3 or above) undertakes a ward round of new COPD and asthma patients on respiratory wards: Weekends Days and times a senior decision maker from the respiratory team (ST3 or above) undertakes a ward round of new COPD and asthma patients on respiratory wards: Out of hours Days and times a senior decision maker from the respiratory team (ST3 or above) undertakes a ward round of new COPD and asthma patients on respiratory wards: None Days and times a senior decision maker from the respiratory team (ST3 or above) undertakes a ward round of new COPD and asthma patients on other wards: Weekdays Days and times a senior decision maker from the respiratory team (ST3 or above) undertakes a ward round of new COPD and asthma patients on other wards: Weekends Days and times a senior decision maker from the respiratory team (ST3 or above) undertakes a ward round of new COPD and asthma patients on other wards: Out of hours Days and times a senior decision maker from the respiratory team (ST3 or above) undertakes a ward round of new COPD and asthma patients on other wards: None Days respiratory nurse(s) is/are available to review COPD patients: Weekdays Days respiratory nurse(s) is/are available to review COPD patients: Weekends Days respiratory nurse(s) is/are available to review COPD patients: Out of hours Days respiratory nurse(s) is/are available to review COPD patients: None Days respiratory nurse(s) is/are available to review Asthma patients: Weekdays Days respiratory nurse(s) is/are available to review Asthma patients: Weekends Days respiratory nurse(s) is/are available to review Asthma patients: Out of hours Days respiratory nurse(s) is/are available to review Asthma patients: None Days physiotherapist(s) is/are available to review COPD patients: Weekdays Days physiotherapist(s) is/are available to review COPD patients: Weekends Days physiotherapist(s) is/are available to review COPD patients: Out of hours Days physiotherapist(s) is/are available to review COPD patients: None Days physiotherapist(s) is/are available to review Asthma patients: Weekdays Days physiotherapist(s) is/are available to review Asthma patients: Weekends Days physiotherapist(s) is/are available to review Asthma patients: Out of hours Days physiotherapist(s) is/are available to review Asthma patients: None Does the hospital have an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system? The name of the EPR system supplier. Does the hospital use DECAF scoring to aid decision making: Admission avoidance from ED? Does the hospital use DECAF scoring to aid decision making: Select patients for hospital at home/early supported discharge? Does the hospital use DECAF scoring to aid decision making: To influence provision of care? Does the hospital use DECAF scoring to aid decision making: No Does the hospital use DECAF scoring to aid decision making: Not known Does the hospital have an oxygen policy? Does the ward medication chart/record have a designated place in which to record the prescription of oxygen? 2018 BTS Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) Quality Statements the hospital meets: Acute NIV should be offered to all patients who meet evidence-based criteria. Hospitals must ensure there is adequate capacity to provide NIV to all eligible patients. 2018 BTS Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) Quality Statements the hospital meets: All staff who prescribe, initiate or make changes to acute NIV treatment should have evidence of training and maintenance of competencies appropriate for their role. 2018 BTS Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) Quality Statements the hospital meets: Acute NIV should only be carried out in specified clinical areas designated for the delivery of acute NIV. 2018 BTS Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) Quality Statements the hospital meets: Patients who meet evidence-based criteria for acute NIV should start NIV within 60min of the blood gas result associated with the clinical decision to provide NIV and within 120min of hospital arrival for patients who present acutely 2018 BTS Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) Quality Statements the hospital meets: All patients should have a documented escalation plan before starting treatment with acute NIV. 2018 BTS Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) Quality Statements the hospital meets: All patients treated with acute NIV should have blood gas analysis performed within 2hours of starting acute NIV; failure of these blood gas measurements to improve should trigger specialist healthcare professional review within 30min. 2018 BTS Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) Quality Statements the hospital meets: None Does the hospital use a system of early warning detection? Does your early warning detection chart allow the following to be recorded: Target saturation Does your early warning detection chart allow the following to be recorded: Actual saturation Does your early warning detection chart allow the following to be recorded: Amount of oxygen administered Does your early warning detection chart allow the following to be recorded: None Is there a pulmonary rehabilitation service available to COPD patients discharged following exacerbation? Yes, based at this hospital Is there a pulmonary rehabilitation service available to COPD patients discharged following exacerbation? Yes, based within another hospital Is there a pulmonary rehabilitation service available to COPD patients discharged following exacerbation? Yes, based within the community Is there a pulmonary rehabilitation service available to COPD patients discharged following exacerbation? No If yes, is this/are these services available within 4 weeks of discharge? Does the hospital have a severe asthma service? If no, is there a referral pathway to a severe asthma service? Out-reach early/supported discharge: Provided by hospital based team Out-reach early/supported discharge: Provided by hospital team that works jointly with a community team Out-reach early/supported discharge: Service not provided In-reach early/supported discharge: Provided by community based team In-reach early/supported discharge: Provided by community team that works jointly with a hospital team In-reach early/supported discharge: Service not provided Admissions avoidance: Hospital based team Admissions avoidance: Community based team Admissions avoidance: Single team that works across the community/secondary care interface Admissions avoidance: Service not provided Oxygen assessment service: Hospital based team Oxygen assessment service: Community based team Oxygen assessment service: Single team that works across the community/secondary care interface Oxygen assessment service: Service not provided Medicines management service: Hospital based team Medicines management service: Community based team Medicines management service: Single team that works across the community/secondary care interface Medicines management service: Service not provided Chronic disease management: Hospital based team Chronic disease management: Community based team Chronic disease management: Single team that works across the community/secondary care interface Chronic disease management: Service not provided Nebuliser service: Hospital based team Nebuliser service: Community based team Nebuliser service: Single team that works across the community/secondary care interface Nebuliser service: Service not provided Smoking cessation advice: Hospital based team Smoking cessation advice: Community based team Smoking cessation advice: Single team that works across the community/secondary care interface Smoking cessation advice: Service not provided Is there a regular MDT meeting between hospital and community teams for patients with COPD? How frequently does the meeting occur? How frequently does the meeting occur: Other If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Respiratory consultant If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Other member of respiratory specialist team If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: General practitioner If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Ward nurse If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Community nurse If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Ward physiotherapist If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Community physiotherapist If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Ward pharmacist If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Ward occupational therapist If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Community pharmacist If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Community occupational therapist If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Smoking cessation counsellor If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Psychologist If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Other (please specify) If yes to 6.3: Which of the following staff attend: Respiratory consultant Is there sessional time devoted to developing integrated respiratory services in your area? If yes to 6.4: What is the designation of the individual(s) responsible for developing these services: Integrated care respiratory consultant If yes to 6.4: What is the designation of the individual(s) responsible for developing these services: Respiratory consultant If yes to 6.4: What is the designation of the individual(s) responsible for developing these services: Respiratory nurse specialist If yes to 6.4: What is the designation of the individual(s) responsible for developing these services: Nurse consultant If yes to 6.4: What is the designation of the individual(s) responsible for developing these services: Respiratory physiologist If yes to 6.4: What is the designation of the individual(s) responsible for developing these services: Other If yes to 6.4: What is the designation of the individual(s) responsible for developing these services: Other (type) How often is a formal survey seeking patient/carer views on respiratory services undertaken? Do you have a strategic group for respiratory services? If yes, does this group have patient representation? Processes for transitioning young people from paediatric to adult services include ensuring that: The young person has a full record of their condition Processes for transitioning young people from paediatric to adult services include ensuring that: Their GP is sent the same record Processes for transitioning young people from paediatric to adult services include ensuring that: the young person has a transition plan that has been agreed with both paediatric and adult clinicians Processes for transitioning young people from paediatric to adult services include ensuring that: The young person has a named case worker to assist in signposting for them and their family We do not have any formal transition arrangements How is reimbursement of costs of care for patients with COPD achieved? How is reimbursement of costs of care for patients with COPD achieved? (Other) Has your Trust’s local commissioner agreed to make the Best Practice Tariff (BPT) payments for COPD if the BPT is achieved? How is reimbursement of costs of care for patients with asthma achieved? How is reimbursement of costs of care for patients with asthma achieved? (Other) Has your commissioner/health board agreed a Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) payment or Local Incentive Payment (LIP) for asthma care? Yes (If yes, please specify what the CQUIN or LIP requirement is) Has your commissioner/health board agreed a Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) payment or Local Incentive Payment (LIP) for COPD care? Yes (If yes, please specify what the CQUIN or LIP requirement is)
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