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National Assembly for Wales Electoral Regions (December 2016) Boundaries WA BFECSV

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OBJECTID nawer16cd nawer16nm nawer16nmw bng_e bng_n long lat Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 W10000001 North Wales Gogledd Cymru 291847 357825 -3.61701989 53.10662842 4179023013.42097 716256.30105637 0762be4a-3368-4650-9b3f-653603b4e32c
2 W10000006 Mid and West Wales Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru 253400 234104 -4.13627005 51.98600006 13276197598.6858 1420155.9437921 72b8e4aa-bb04-466c-9671-5f5bd0070575
3 W10000007 South Wales Central Canol De Cymru 305986 182865 -3.35689998 51.5368309 876613274.443432 218048.631874911 667df1bf-21c7-4409-9ce1-6ba023bf4771
4 W10000008 South Wales East Dwyrain De Cymru 328056 205411 -3.04340005 51.7427597 1728133875.47266 322486.783648982 e68f70d5-8af7-473b-aa50-e28664ec1902