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Department Family Entity (T) Date Expense Type (T) Expense Area (T) Supplier (T) Transaction Number AP Amount Purchase Invoice Number
Department of Health Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust 27/03/2023 AUC Additions BALANCE SHEET BEIGHTON CONSTRUCTION LTD 500028693 22948.57 007-SJW-NC
Department of Health Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust 27/03/2023 VAT Cont Out Serv Inp Tax BALANCE SHEET BEIGHTON CONSTRUCTION LTD 500028693 3276.83 007-SJW-NC
Department of Health Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust 06/03/2023 SrvcsRecd-FoundationTrust SLA CHESTERFIELD ROYAL HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 500025381 59479.00 4564633
Department of Health Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust 06/03/2023 Drugs TRUST'S CONTINGENCIES AND PROVISIONS CHESTERFIELD ROYAL HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 500025550 62750.10 4564648