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Spend over £25,000 in Dudley Integrated Health and Care NHS Trust2020 March

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Department Family Entity Date of Payment Expense Type Expense Area Supplier Transaction Number Amount £ VAT Reg Number
Department of Health Dudley & Walsall MHPT 03/03/2020 Other Services-FTs Corp IT Services Black Country Healthcare NHS FT 0011502765 75048.00 000000000
Department of Health Dudley & Walsall MHPT 17/03/2020 Other Services-FTs Corporate-CEO Birmingham and Solihull MH FT 0011502767 43696.00 000000000
Department of Health Dudley & Walsall MHPT 17/03/2020 Drugs Costs Dudley Medical NHS Business Services Authority 0011502772 25645.97 000000000
Department of Health Dudley & Walsall MHPT 17/03/2020 Other Services-FTs Specialist Services Black Country Healthcare NHS FT 0011502776 28996.25 000000000