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Spend over £25,000 in Pennine Care NHS Foundation TrustDecember 2020

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November 2020 Over £25,000 Expenditure
Department Family Business Unit Name Supplier Type Supplier Supplier Number Site Remit-to Bank Account Payment Document Payment Method Payment Date Payment Number Payment Currency Invoice Number Invoice Date Invoice Description Payment Status Name Invoice Amount Not set
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust BU Other WGA Nhs Business Services Authority 124561 NE99 1UQ BUSINESS SERVICES AUTHORITY RT2N BACS EFT 04/12/2020 5124576 GBP 1000066383 17/08/2020 JUNE 2020 PRESCRIPTION CHARGE Fully paid 31,007.17 Not set
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust BU Other WGA Nhs Business Services Authority 124561 NE99 1UQ BUSINESS SERVICES AUTHORITY RT2N BACS EFT 04/12/2020 5124576 GBP 1000066722 14/09/2020 JULY 2020 PRESCRIPTION CHARGE Fully paid 36,786.71 Not set
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust BU Other Supplier Irwell Valley Housing Association 180216 M16 0LN IRWELL VALLEY RT2N BACS EFT 24/12/2020 5124995 GBP 10132 01/08/2019 RENT JUL 19- MAR 20 Fully paid 57,810.42 Not set