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GB Road Traffic CountsRegional level traffic - by vehicle type
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Download this fileyear | region_id | region_name | region_ons_code | link_length_km | link_length_miles | pedal_cycles | two_wheeled_motor_vehicles | cars_and_taxis | buses_and_coaches | LGVs | all_HGVs | all_motor_vehicles |
1993 | 1 | South West | E12000009 | 48751.55 | 30292.81 | 2.28e+08 | 289900000 | 19674300000 | 2.45e+08 | 2351700000 | 1295600000 | 23856600000 |
1993 | 2 | East Midlands | E12000004 | 30681.75 | 19064.76 | 199700000 | 172800000 | 16200200000 | 190100000 | 2082200000 | 1647100000 | 20292400000 |
1993 | 3 | Scotland | S92000003 | 58532.65 | 36370.5 | 147300000 | 126400000 | 17677600000 | 334300000 | 2.231e+09 | 1339900000 | 21709300000 |
1993 | 4 | Wales | W92000004 | 32543.5 | 20221.59 | 81700000 | 104600000 | 11278800000 | 156300000 | 1452700000 | 735200000 | 13727600000 |