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Spend over £25,000 in DCMS: TateJune 2012

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Department Family Entity(T) Date Expense Type(T) Expense Area(T) Supplier(T) Transaction No Amount
DCMS Tate Gallery 06/06/2012 Rent Site Costs Harrison & Jones Ltd 10200182 33,750.00
DCMS Tate Gallery 06/06/2012 Site security - Contracts Sites, Security and Services Wilson James Ltd 10200851 26,245.78
DCMS Tate Gallery 06/06/2012 Site security - Contracts Sites, Security and Services Wilson James Ltd 10200851 101,346.51
DCMS Tate Gallery 06/06/2012 Site security - Contracts Sites, Security and Services Wilson James Ltd 10200851 101,399.17