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Species point records from 1991 Calf Marine Trust/MNCR Calf of Man survey1991-Calf-Marine-Trust-MNCR-Calf-of-Man-survey.csv

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RecordKey SurveyKey SurveyName SampleKey StartDate EndDate DateType LocationName DataType Latitude Longitude Projection AphiaId Species Uncertain Abundance_SACFORN Abundance_Count IsDead SampleComment
JNCCMNCR10180630 JNCCMNCR10000040 1991 Calf Marine Trust/MNCR Calf of Man survey JNCCMNCR10007470 1991-06-20 1991-06-20 D S Kione ny Halby (Calf of Man) Point 54.0499885423599 -4.806046808482 WGS84 139523 Dendronotus frondosus FALSE R Not set FALSE Porifera has been removed from the species list for this record as more specific related taxa were also present, these are now marked as characterising. Bryozoa indet crusts has been given a nominal abundance value of Present for this record as in Arev it had no abundance value. Gently sloping bedrock ridges with occaisional large boulders. Much epifauna with common hydroids, bryozoans and sponges. Large clumps of Polymastia and Cliona on horizontal, with Alcyonium frequent on vertical faces.
JNCCMNCR10180871 JNCCMNCR10000040 1991 Calf Marine Trust/MNCR Calf of Man survey JNCCMNCR10007477 1991-06-20 1991-06-20 D S Kione ny Halby (Calf of Man) Point 54.0490552297669 -4.80751176438025 WGS84 139523 Dendronotus frondosus FALSE R Not set FALSE Bedrock and very large boulders in lower infralittoral and upper circalittoral. Habitat appeared quite barren at first sight, with frequent Echinus and abundant Coralline crusts, but actually held fairly frequent Alcyonium digitatum, Metridium senile and Actinothoe. Few Ballan Wrasse about.
JNCCMNCR10181019 JNCCMNCR10000040 1991 Calf Marine Trust/MNCR Calf of Man survey JNCCMNCR10007482 1991-06-20 1991-06-20 D S Bushel's Grewe, Burroo (Calf of Man) Point 54.0435264551363 -4.8132495924295 WGS84 139523 Dendronotus frondosus FALSE O Not set FALSE Anthozoa has been removed from the species list for this record as more specific related taxa were also present, these are now marked as characterising. Rugged upper circalittoral bedrock subject to tidal streams. Rock surfaces 100% cover with diverse epifauna. Sheets of Metridium and Sagartia with many encrusting sponges and colonial ascidians on horizontal surfaces. There were `beds` of Tubularia with amphipod tubes attached. A very rich habitat.
JNCCMNCR10181094 JNCCMNCR10000040 1991 Calf Marine Trust/MNCR Calf of Man survey JNCCMNCR10007484 1991-06-20 1991-06-20 D S Bushel's Grewe, Burroo (Calf of Man) Point 54.0435264551363 -4.8132495924295 WGS84 139523 Dendronotus frondosus FALSE F Not set FALSE Corridor (about 20m long) about 1.5-2m wide, between vertical/ sloping bedrock, with semi-rounded slates covering the seabed. Dominant species included Metridium senile, `Bushy` bryozoans and hydroids. Many caprellids on Tubularia and a surprisingly large number of Dendronotus frondosus.