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Species point records from 1994 MNCR Lizard Peninsula and Falmouth Bay sublittoral survey1994-MNCR-Lizard-Peninsula-and-Falmouth-Bay-sublittoral-survey.csv
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Download this fileRecordKey | SurveyKey | SurveyName | SampleKey | StartDate | EndDate | DateType | LocationName | DataType | Latitude | Longitude | Projection | AphiaId | Species | Uncertain | Abundance_SACFORN | Abundance_Count | IsDead | SampleComment |
JNCCMNCR10407216 | JNCCMNCR10000465 | 1994 MNCR Lizard Peninsula and Falmouth Bay sublittoral survey | JNCCMNCR10021901 | 1994-07-31 | 1994-07-31 | D | Wagland Reef, E of The Manacles (Coverack) | Point | 50.0399342352186 | -5.04004951061186 | WGS84 | 139523 | Dendronotus frondosus | FALSE | R | Not set | FALSE | Steep bedrock in the lower infralittoral was characterised by Metridium senile and Corynactis viridis with Alcyonium digitatum, hydroids and algal turf on the flatter areas. Among the algal turf Aglaothamnion priceanum (i.d. by C. Maggs) was found. This is the first record for England and has not been found outside of north Scotland and Mayo. |
JNCCMNCR10406922 | JNCCMNCR10000465 | 1994 MNCR Lizard Peninsula and Falmouth Bay sublittoral survey | JNCCMNCR10021895 | 1994-07-28 | 1994-07-28 | D | Jangye-ryn, NW of Poldhu Cove (Mullion) | Point | 50.0379133110013 | -5.27514340414358 | WGS84 | 126792 | Callionymus lyra | FALSE | R | Not set | FALSE | Low lying sand covered bedrock with foliose algae and some kelp. Dense Cladostephus spongiosus a feature and many other algal species in lesser abundance. Of interest were Scinaia forcellata, Jania corniculata, Taonia atomaria and the very rarely recorded Platoma marginifera. Ceramium secundatum was also present. |
JNCCMNCR10407520 | JNCCMNCR10000465 | 1994 MNCR Lizard Peninsula and Falmouth Bay sublittoral survey | JNCCMNCR10021907 | 1994-07-31 | 1994-07-31 | D | Pencra Head (Coverack) | Point | 50.0611167853774 | -5.05452669601298 | WGS84 | 126792 | Callionymus lyra | FALSE | R | Not set | FALSE | Aglaozonia (asexual cutleria), Bryozoa indet crusts, Scinaia trigona has been given a nominal abundance value of Present for this record as in Arev it had no abundance value. Lower infralittoral mixed substrata between 12.5 and 13.9 m bcd. Angular and rounded boulders (5 m x 2 m) were mixed with pebbles, cobbles and silty gravel with occasional outcrops of bedrock. Red and brown algae provided the main cover on the upper surfaces with encrusting species on steeper faces, all with a silty covering. |
JNCCMNCR10412563 | JNCCMNCR10000465 | 1994 MNCR Lizard Peninsula and Falmouth Bay sublittoral survey | JNCCMNCR10022093 | 1994-08-01 | 1994-08-01 | D | Nare Head (shallow transect) (Coverack) | Point | 50.0812433699776 | -5.06908787965913 | WGS84 | 126792 | Callionymus lyra | FALSE | O | Not set | FALSE | Diplosoma has been removed from the species list for this record as more specific related taxa were also present, these are now marked as characterising. Diplosoma has been given a nominal abundance value of Present for this record as in Arev it had no abundance value. Upper infralittoral kelp forest dominated by Laminaria hyperborea with Saccorhiza polyschides and a dense understorey of red algae. The dominant epiphytes were Delesseria sanguinea and Palmaria palmata, with sponges and didemnids found on the vertical bedrock surfaces. |