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Births by Mother's Country of Birth in Londonbirths_by_mothers_country_of_birth_2001_to_2023.csv

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year gss_code usual_residence_of_mother type total_births_all total_births_uk_mothers total_births_overseas_mothers overseas_mothers_total_EU overseas_mothers_pre2004_EU_countries overseas_mothers_post2004_EU_accession_countries overseas_mothers_non_EU_europe overseas_mothers_asia overseas_mothers_africa overseas_mothers_rest_of_world
2001 E92000001 ENGLAND Country 563744 467536 96208 17632 14388 3244 5228 39147 20558 13643
2001 W92000004 WALES Country 30616 29022 1594 430 380 50 58 682 246 178
2001 E12000001 NORTH EAST Region 25949 24429 1520 324 284 40 72 768 231 125
2001 E12000002 NORTH WEST Region 75201 67632 7569 1136 989 147 199 4743 936 555