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UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for London West - Generalised to 10mCSV

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OBJECTID OA21CD node_dist stop_dist centre_in node_in stop_in iso_cutoff iso_date iso_type iso_hectar centre_X centre_Y node_X node_Y stop_X stop_Y Shape__Area Shape__Length
1 E00006573 10 232 1 1 0 900 2022-11-15 from_centroid 680 514090.61 184958.9 514099.86 184963.01 514010.53 185177.13 2626817.84435272 9754.68907892254
2 E00006573 10 232 1 1 0 1800 2022-11-15 from_centroid 5617 514090.61 184958.9 514099.86 184963.01 514010.53 185177.13 21739999.4087601 54769.854440077
3 E00006573 10 232 1 1 0 2700 2022-11-15 from_centroid 20919 514090.61 184958.9 514099.86 184963.01 514010.53 185177.13 80954272.6071243 154013.45900059
4 E00006573 10 232 1 1 0 3600 2022-11-15 from_centroid 64943 514090.61 184958.9 514099.86 184963.01 514010.53 185177.13 251407536.226212 338138.933612538