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Organogram of Staff Roles & SalariesOrganogram - Senior CSV data

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Post Unique Reference Name Grade (or equivalent) Job Title Job/Team Function Parent Department Organisation Unit Contact Phone Contact E-mail Reports to Senior Post Salary Cost of Reports (£) FTE Actual Pay Floor (£) Actual Pay Ceiling (£) Professional/Occupational Group Notes Valid?
1CSL01 N/D SCS1 Head of Professions and Skills Development 'The Professions & Skills Development Team is responsible for the core, mandatory and specialist areas of the common curriculum, provides expert advice and guidance to civil service professions and supports the cross government Head of Policy Profession.' Home Office Civil Service Learning Professions and Skills Development 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 2CSL01 580000 0.80 0 0 Human Resources
1CSL02 N/D SCS1 Head of Civil Service Learning Operations 'The operations team is responsible for setting and driving learning and development (L&D) strategy, evovling the curriculum to meet strategic changes, engaging with stakeholders, managing the use and development of technology, commissioning from suppliers and managing contracts, evaluating the effectiveness of L&D, and measuring and reporting the performance of CSL.' Home Office Civil Service Learning CSL Operations 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 2CSL01 880000 1.00 0 0 Human Resources
1CSL03 N/D SCS1 Head of Leadership and Management Development 'The team supports the development of civil service leadership and management capability through providing quality learning that gives good value for money and enables the delivery of excellent public service' Home Office Civil Service Learning Leadership and Management Development 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 2CSL01 660000 1.00 0 0 Human Resources
1CSL04 N/D SCS1 Head of Operational Delivery and Profession Support 'The Operational Delivery Profession Support Unit supports the Head of Profession in achieving her vision for the profession. We do this by building and maintaining successful relationships with departmental HoPs, champions, delivery partners and stakeholders, and leading the development of a strategy for the Profession, developing and then managing a programme of work that executes this strategy.' Home Office Civil Service Learning Operational Delivery Support 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 2CSL01 200000 1.00 0 0 Human Resources