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78 results found

St John's Lake intertidal biotope map (Tamar estuary, Plymouth)

This dataset is a biotope map of the intertidal zone of St John's Lake, Plymouth Sound. This map was produced as a result of a broad scale mapping survey of Plymouth Sound carried out in July 1996....

Ashfield District Council Countryside, Adopted Local Plan Review 2002

Extents of Countryside within Ashfield District as polygons. Ashfield Local Plan Review, Policy EV2. Adopted November 2002. NB the definitive boundaries are the printed Proposals Map

Ashfield District Council District Shopping Centres, Adopted Local Plan Review 2002

Extents of District Shopping Centres within Ashfield District as polygons. Ashfield Local Plan Review, Policy ST2. Adopted November 2002. NB the definitive boundaries are the printed Proposals Map

Ashfield District Council Main Urban Areas, Adopted Local Plan Review 2002

Extents of Main Urban Areas within Ashfield District as polygons. Ashfield Local Plan Review, Policy ST2. Adopted November 2002. NB the definitive boundaries are the printed Proposals Map

MMO1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated By Activities Web Feature Service (WFS)

Data outputs from MMO 1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities project. The aim of this project is to produce indicative data for mapping the distribution of...

MMO1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated By Activities Web Mapping Service (WMS)

Data outputs from MMO 1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities project. The aim of this project is to produce indicative data for mapping the distribution of...

Survey of Reef Habitat around Eddystone Reef, Plymouth

Detailed pilot survey carried out on the reef habitat around the Eddystone Reef off Plymouth as part of a project to identify potential SACs which are not connected to the coast. Phase 1 of the...

Polling districts

Under Section 17 of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, the Council is required to carry out a polling district boundary review within the 16 months from 01 October 2013 and...


The locations of all libraries in Oldham. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted...

Tree Preservation Orders

Location of all Tree Preservation Orders This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted...

Cemeteries and Churchyards

Cemeteries, churchyards, and other burial grounds. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

Fire Stations

The locations of all fire stations in Oldham. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

Post Offices

The locations of all post offices in Oldham. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

Food Production Facilities

Food production facilities (large installations) for Oldham. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed...

Natural and Semi-Natural Openspace

Natural and Semi-Natural urban green spaces. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

Parks and Gardens

Includes urban parks, formal gardens and country parks. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to...

Tree Preservation Orders

Areas affected by Tree Preservation Orders. Areas are recorded as both area and point. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this...

Civic Spaces

Civic (or public) informal open space which may also include market squares. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data...

Amenity Greenspace

Most commonly but not exclusively found in housing areas. Includes informal recreation green spaces and village greens. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the...

Green Corridors

River and canal banks, cycle ways and rights of way, for walking, cycling, or horse riding, whether for leisure or travel, and opportunities for wildlife migration. This dataset is currently under...