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73 results found

Victim and Witness Experience of the Northern Ireland Criminal Justice System

This publication addresses victim and witness views of their criminal justice experience from the point of initial contact with the system right through to the point of sentencing and...

High Net Worth Unit (HNWU) Population Refinement Data

A variety of datasets for analysis of High Wealth individuals to assist HMRC's High Net Worth Unit in maintaining and refining its population. Matches 10 years of Inheritance Tax Data to the...

High Net Worth Unit (HNWU) Population Refinement Data

A variety of datasets for analysis of High Wealth individuals to assist HMRC's High Net Worth Unit in maintaining and refining its population. Matches 10 years of Inheritance Tax Data to the...

Sussex Coast (Worthing to Beachy Head) lifeforms map

The Sussex coast was mapped during several visits to the area using AGDS, and drop down video. On interest was the location of reef areas and chalk outcrops thoughout the area in addtion to general...

DJEP Disclosure Spreadsheets

Bloody Sunday Witness Spreadsheet. This Excel spreadsheet holds contact details for Witnesses required for the Bloody Sunday Inquiry

DJEP Disclosure Databases

Al-Sweady Public Inquiry Witness Database. This Microsoft Access Database holds contact details for Witnesses who were required to attend the Public Inquiry.

DJEP Disclosure Spreadsheet

Baha Mousa Public Inquiry Witness Spreadsheet.

Accident Database

The Accident Database includes name of staff involved plus their work location; also names of witnesses, line manager, departmental safety adviser, Head of Department, local accident investigators...

Defence Irregularity Reporting Cell Database

Reports of suspected Fraud submitted to the DIR Cell.  All stored on Magic Database which holds personal data relelvant to witnesses, persons of interest, investiating officers, investigation...

Defence Irregularity Reports

Defence Irreugularity reports - MOD reports of irregularities submitted to the DIRC via Defence Network, letters, phone calls. All stored on Magic Database which holds personal data relelvant to...

1995 English Nature (EN) Fal Estuary Transect survey A comparison of the Maerl Beds Between 1982 and 1992

This report compares data collected on Maerl beds in the Fal estuary between 1982 and 1992. The report contains the results of species counts from a survey undertaken in 1992 whilst comparing them...

1995 English Nature (EN) Fal Estuary Transect survey A comparison of the Maerl Beds Between 1982 and 1992

This report compares data collected on Maerl beds in the Fal estuary between 1982 and 1992. The report contains the results of species counts from a survey undertaken in 1992 whilst comparing them...


Location of Allotments within Adur District and Worthing Borough

Procurement Dataset

Details of government contracts and tenders worth over £10,000.

Parks Gardens and Open Spaces

Parks Gardens and Open Spaces in Adur District and Worthing Bourough


Boundary Data used in Adur Local Plan and Worthing Local Plan

Assembly Member Gifts and Hospitality Register

Register of any gift or hospitality worth £25 or over received by Assembly Members in connection with their official duties Since 12 September 2007, when the Authority adopted a new Code of...

Bristol City Council Planning Applications

A yearly snapshot of Bristol City Council Planning Applications. This dataset is updated weekly and provides a years worth of data.

Bristol City Council Licensed Premises

A yearly snapshot of Bristol City Council Licensed Premises. This dataset is updated weekly and provides a years worth of data.

Procurement Dataset

Details of: department spending over £25,000 (monthly) government contracts and tenders worth over £10,000 government procurement card spend over £500