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Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Annual Report data 2013-14

The Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Annual Report 2013-14 data provides levels of CO2 emissions reductions achieved through direct Mayoral programmes, including RE:NEW, RE:FIT, new development...

Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Annual Report 2009-2012 Data

The Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Annual Report 2009-2012 data provides levels of CO2 emissions reductions achieved through direct Mayoral programmes, including RE:NEW, RE:FIT, and the...

Barnet Housing Management Agreement

Established in 2004, Barnet Homes is an Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO), a not-for-profit company, part of The Barnet Group which is wholly owned by the Council. The 10-year Management...

Spreadsheet of Core and Cuttings held by GSNI

Spreadsheet listing a number of boreholes from Northern Ireland and the samples (core and cuttings) held in the GSNI core archive. Additional data associated with these wells are also noted and...

Spend over £25,000 by Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency

As part of the transparency agenda commitment relating to public expenditure, intended to help achieve better value for money, the Department for Education (DfE) and our Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)...

Personal Social Services Survey of Adult Carers in England

This is a biennial survey, undertaken by councils in which carers’ thoughts and opinions were sought on a number of topics that are considered to be indicative of a balanced life alongside their...

Personal Social Services: Adults Receiving Community Equipment and Minor Adaptations

The User Experience Survey Programme operates on an annual basis and is used to target areas of particular interest within Adult Social Services. Opinions are sought over a range of service areas...

Personal Social Services Survey of Adults Receiving Community Equipment and/or Minor Adaptations, England, 2009-10

The User Experience Survey Programme operates on an annual basis and is used to target areas of particular interest within Adult Social Services. Opinions are sought over a range of service areas...

KIS / Unistats data

The dataset contains information which prospective students have identified as useful, such as student satisfaction, graduate outcomes, learning and teaching activities, assessment methods, tuition...

Local Nature Reserves (Scotland)

LNRs are established in a variety of locations with very varied habitats and species. They must lie wholly within the area of jurisdiction of the local authority which declares them...

Coastal Physiographic Features - Coastal Lagoons

This shapefile shows the distribution of the Annex I habitat, coastal lagoons around the UK. Coastal lagoons are areas of shallow, coastal salt water, wholly or partially separated from the sea by...

Local Nature Reserves (Scotland - NatureScot)

LNRs are established in a variety of locations with very varied habitats and species. They must lie wholly within the area of jurisdiction of the local authority which declares them...

NRAP organisational audit 2024

The NRAP organisational audit report 2024 details information on the resourcing and organisation of asthma and COPD care in hospitals, and PR services in England and Wales. The data collection for...

Higher education student enrolments and qualifications obtained at higher education institutions in the United Kingdom for the academic year 2011/12

This Statistical First Release (SFR) has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in collaboration with statisticians from the UK Department for Business, Innovation and...

Higher education student enrolments and qualifications obtained at higher education institutions in the United Kingdom for the academic year 2010/11

This Statistical First Release (SFR) has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in collaboration with statisticians from the UK Department for Business, Innovation and...

Higher Education Student Statistics: UK, 2021/22

This bulletin is the annual first release of HESA student data. It covers data about higher education students and qualifiers from the following types of providers within the UK: Higher education...

Higher education student enrolments and qualifications obtained at higher education institutions in the United Kingdom for the academic year 2012/13

This Statistical First Release (SFR) has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in collaboration with statisticians from the UK Department for Business, Innovation and...

Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey, England

The Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey is an annual survey for England that has taken place since 2010-11. Service users were sent questionnaires, issued by Councils with Adult...

Higher Education Student Statistics: UK, 2022/23

This bulletin is the annual first release of HESA student data. For the first time it draws upon data from the revised student data collection (delivered by the Data Futures programme). A...

Higher education student enrolments and qualifications obtained at higher education institutions in the United Kingdom for the academic year 2013/14

This Statistical First Release (SFR) has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in collaboration with statisticians from the UK Department for Business, Innovation and...