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797 results found

Passenger experience

Complaints rail passengers make about their train journey Source agency: Office of rail and road Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Rail complaints

Visual Boundaries for the National Trip End Model (NTEM)

[GIS files for the zoning system used in the National Trip End Model (NTEM)]( Shapefiles for the zoning...

LANDMAP Visual and Sensory

LANDMAP is a unique national information system, devised by the former Countryside Council for Wales, allowing information about landscape in Wales to be collected and organised into a...

JNCC visual aerial bird survey data

This resource provides visual aerial survey data for seaduck, divers, grebes, and little gull. Data were collected visually from aircraft at the following sites, identified as holding potentially...

Customer Experience Survey

A survey of HMRC's customers experience. Updated: quarterly.

HMRC Customer Experience Scores

Data on HMRC's Customer Experience Scores, measuring the customer experience that the tax system is simple and even-handed. See the "full description" link below to go to the page on the HMRC...

Air Passenger Experience

Results from the module of the CAA air passenger survey giving their experiences. Source agency: Transport Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Tranquillity and Place: Visually Tranquil Areas

A nationally consistent terrestrial Tranquillity & Place resource that identifies visually tranquil areas for use as an evidence base to inform policy intent, practice and provision for...

Visual tracking data, common tern, Glas Eileanan SPA (2011)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Glas Eileanan Special Protection Area (SPA) and a nearby artificial nesting platform at South Shian, for...

Visual Tracking data, tern species, Farne Islands SPA (2010)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Farne Islands Special Protection Area (SPA), for Arctic, common, and Sandwich terns. The data were collected...

Forest Research Experiment Sites England 2016

This dataset records Forest Research Experiment sites on the National Forest Estate and private land. Objective is to avoid accidental damage to Forest Research experiments and sample plots...

Patient Experience Overall Measure

Consolidates results from surveys in the National Patient Survey Programme to give overall experience scores (out of 100) for the NHS against 5 broad headings. Source agency: Health Designation:...

Patient Experience PSA Scores

Patient experience. Source agency: Health Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Patient Experience PSA Scores

Visual Tracking data, tern species, Outer Ards SPA (2009 to 2011)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Outer Ards Special Protection Area (SPA), for Arctic, common, and Sandwich terns. The data cover the breeding...

Visual Tracking data, tern species, Larne Lough SPA (2009 to 2011)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Larne Lough Special Protection Area (SPA), for common, roseate and Sandwich terns. The data cover the...

Visual tracking data, tern species, Coquet Island SPA (2009 to 2011)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Coquet Island Special Protection Area (SPA), for Arctic, common, roseate, and Sandwich terns. The data cover...

Public experiences of and attitudes to air travel

Public experiences of and attitudes towards air travel, based on a module of questions included in the Office for National Statistics Opinions (Omnibus) Survey Source agency:...

Parental experience of services for disabled children

Findings from a national sample survey of parents of disabled children. The primary purpose of the survey is to measure parental experience of services for disabled children, and provides the...

Air passenger experience of security screening

Results from the module of the CAA air passenger survey giving their experiences. Source agency: Transport Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Larch Species Distribution Private Sector England

Distribution of Larch in private ownership, identified by visual analysis of aerial photography. Compiled by tree health and research workers. The visual nature of the analysis used to create this...