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        Marine Management Organisation Visibility of sea from land

        This layer has been developed in order to understand the extent of intervisibility in the Marine Plan Areas (as defined by the Marine Management Organisation) and the adjacent land onshore (in...

        Marine Management Organisation Visibility of sea from land Web Mapping Service (WMS)

        This layer has been developed in order to understand the extent of intervisibility in the Marine Plan Areas (as defined by the Marine Management Organisation) and the adjacent land onshore (in...

        Marine Management Organisation Visibility of sea from land Web Feature Service (WFS)

        This layer has been developed in order to understand the extent of intervisibility in the Marine Plan Areas (as defined by the Marine Management Organisation) and the adjacent land onshore (in...

        VOLCORE, a global database of visible tephra layers sampled by ocean drilling (NERC Grant NE/P020895/1)

        The VOLCORE (Volcanic Core Records) database is a collection of 34,696 visible tephra (volcanic ash and lithological or grain size variations) occurrences reported in the initial reports volumes of...

        Aa Indices.

        The aa index is a simple global geomagnetic activity index, with units of 1 nT (nanotesla), which is produced from the K indices from two approximately antipodal observatories. At present these are...

        Ambulance Quality Indicators System Indicators

        Information on the quality of care delivered by ambulance services, including the response times of ambulance crews, and the re-contact and call abandonment rates of patients Source agency:...

        Ambulance Quality Indicators System Indicators

        Information on the quality of care delivered by ambulance services, including the response times of ambulance crews, and the re-contact and call abandonment rates of patients Source agency: NHS...

        Migration indicators briefings

        This page contains migration indicators briefings that are produced quarterly. Underlying data is available at...

        Summary of Indicative Quality Indicator Results from HMIE Inspections

        Indicative results of HMIE pre-school, school and child protection inspections. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

        Housing Market Indicators

        A dataset of indicators of the state of the UK housing market This is a collection of indicators from diverse sources on different aspects of the state of the UK housing market. Some indicators...

        Sustainable Development Indicators

        The Sustainable Development Indicators are now being published by the ONS Launch of a consultation on a new set of sustainable development indicators Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural...

        Summary of Indicative Quality Indicator Results from Education Scotland Inspections

        Indicative results of Education Scotland pre-school, school and child protection inspections. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

        Good Relations Indicators

        The report is a compendium of indicators on community relations and includes statistics on hate crimes; attitudinal data on Protestant/Catholic relations; parades statistics and levels of prejudice...

        Migration indicators

         Migration indicators from ONS and DWP. The table below details the sources of the datasets available and the dates of their next update. Migration Statistics Quarterly Report Statistical...

        Sustainable Development Indicators

        These indicators provide an overview of progress toward a sustainable economy, society and environment. Published alongside the headline and supplementary indicators are assessments of change, both...

        Performance Indicators : Consultation

        Performance Indicators : Consultation

        Performance Indicators : Environment

        Key Performance Indicators related to Environment

        Performance Indicators : Demographics

        Key Performance Indicators related to Demographics

        Performance Indicators : Transparency

        Key Performance Indicators related to Transparency

        Performance Indicators : Sport

        Key Performance Indicators related to Sport