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        154 results found

        Vetting Spreadsheet

        To list all those who hold a national security vetting clearance and Disclosure Scotland details of all contractors within the organisation

        Security Vetting Database

        Staff vetting records system.

        Trireme vetting database

        Database holds vetting information for DECC staff and contractors

        Security Vetting Workbook

        Records vetting levels of those MCA personnel who have clearance above Baseline Personnel Security Standard (CTC, SC and DV)

        Online Vetting Application Spreadsheet

        This excel spreadsheet records details of security clearance applications which have been made online by the Department and National Security Vetting sponsors. It contains the names and dates of...

        DTrgA Vetting Register

        Directorate Security Vetting Register as mandated by Marlborough Lines Security Orders

        National Security Vetting Database

        Extensive and detailed personal information and personal history including those of family, other relationships, financial details, criminal records of Departmental Staff for the purpose of gaining...

        LPS Call handling stats and LPS Offices in-person visits

        LPS Call Handling Stats 2018-2024

        Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) declarations database

        The Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system records the movement of goods by land, air and sea. It allows importers, exporters and freight forwarders to complete customs...

        Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) declarations database

        The Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system records the movement of goods by land, air and sea. It allows importers, exporters and freight forwarders to complete customs...

        Sunderland Vets

        List of Veterinary surgeries within Sunderland, including contact numbers.

        101 Call Handling

        Data includes the number of 101 calls taken by each police force area, plus the response times, abandonment rates and explanation for these.

        National Security Vetting data

        Data relating to security clearances for MoD and other repayment customers

        Security Branch Vetting Databases

        Details of security clearance of individuals employed by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Defra Network

        Nuclear Test Vets (Radiation Appeals)

        Details of veterans claims

        Champ (Case Handling And Making Payments)

        Processing database containing information of insolvent companies and claimants who have applied for redundancy related payments. Also includes information on solvent companies who have applied for...

        Vetting Data on Security Questionnaire Forms

        Applicant - name, title, date of birth, place of birth, current and past address, postcode, employer name, nationality, government service history and criminal history. Applicant's partner and...

        Vetting Information on Local IT System

        ETHOS system database, data held: name, date of birth, place of birth, postcode & employer name.

        Info held by Capita Recruitment Vetting Service.

        Name, address, contact details, date of birth, disclosure reference numbers.

        Socio-economic survey of domestic groundwater handling and use for source customers in Kisumu, Kenya in 2014

        This dataset contains the anonymised results of a survey of customers who buy groundwater for consumption in Kisumu, Kenya. Data includes information on the amount of water bought and ways in which...