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9 results found

Covid-19 - Patients at UHL on Mechanical Ventilation

Number of Covid-19 patients in mechanical ventilation bed at University Hospitals Leicester.  This includes data for both Leicester and Leicestershire residents and could also include those...

Rail Safeguarding Lines

Areas where the railway will be shallow, at or above ground level.They may also include land required permanently for stations, ventilation and access shafts. Here all planning applications must be...

Cave drip water electrical conductivity data from Cueva de Asiul, Northern Spain (2010 -2014) with supporting hydrological and external climate datasets. (NERC studentship grant NE/I527953/1)

The data set provides climate and cave monitoring data from Cueva de Asiul, Cantabria, northern Spain. This data was initially presented in graphical form in Smith et al., (2015) - Drip water...

National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP): COPD clinical audit 2018/19

COPD clinical audit 2018/19 is the third clinical audit report post launch of continuous data collection (on 1 February 2017). It presents data describing the cohort of patients discharged between...

National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP): COPD clinical audit 2019/20

NACAP COPD clinical audit report 2019/20 – Data and Methodology is the fourth clinical audit report to be published by NACAP since continuous data collection started on 1st February 2017. This...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: S-CAPE - Shelter and Escape in the Event of a Release of CO2 from CCS Infrastructure

The aim of this project is to develop validated and computationally efficient shelter and escape models describing the consequences of a carbon dioxide (CO2) release from Carbon Capture and Storage...

Mortality Risk from High Temperatures in London (Triple Jeopardy Mapping)

A heatwave refers to a prolonged period of unusually hot weather. While there is no standard definition of a heatwave in England, the Met Office generally uses the World Meteorological Organization...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Weekly Update

Dataset no longer updated Due to changes in the collection and availability of data on COVID-19, this dataset is no longer updated. Latest information about COVID-19 is available via the [UKHSA...

Cave monitoring data from Cueva de Asiul, northern Spain (2010-2014) which act to support palaeoclimate interpretation of speleothem deposits from this site (NERC studentship grant NE/I527953/1)

The following dataset provides climate and cave monitoring data from Cueva de Asiul northern Spain between 2010 and 2014. This data set was initially presented in Smith et al., (2016) Cave...