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Northern Ireland Goods Vehicle Operator's Licence Records

This data is accurate as at the point of publication (09/01/2023) - Department for Infrastructure are currently working to resolve technical issues to allow weekly update for this dataset. When...

DOE Driver, Vehicle, Operator and Enforcement Statistics

This is a quarterly update of information on the testing, licensing and enforcement / compliance activities of the Driver and Vehicle Agency. Prior to quarter 1, April to June 2013, this publicaton...

Traffic Commissioners: goods and public service vehicle operator licence records

These records are updated on a weekly basis, every Sunday. Register of all goods and public service vehicle operator licence holders in Great Britain as recorded on the Vehicle Operator Licensing...

Private hire drivers and vehicles registered to each licensed operator

Automated Update ---------------- Private hire operators licensed in leeds and the number of private hire vehicles and drivers that are registered as working with them. This dataset is updated...

Electric vehicle chargepoints operated by Leeds City Council.

Usage data for Electric Vehicle chargepoints in Council car parks in Leeds including how often they are used, duration of charge, electricity consumed and type of vehicle.

Metroshuttle vehicles

This file provides information to uniquely identify vehicles operating the Manchester and Stockport Metroshuttle bus services and the route that they operate on (i.e. Service number). Does NOT...

% of ultra-low emission vehicles in CYC Fleet, operating in York (Electric and Hybrid)

% of ultra-low emission vehicles in CYC Fleet, operating in York (Electric and Hybrid)

% of low emission vehicles in CYC Fleet, operating in York (Electric, Hybrid and Euro 6)

% of low emission vehicles in CYC Fleet, operating in York (Electric, Hybrid and Euro 6)

Number of low emission vehicles in CYC Fleet, operating in York (Electric, Hybrid and Euro 6)

Number of low emission vehicles in CYC Fleet, operating in York (Electric, Hybrid and Euro 6)

Fleet vehicles

Dataset showing all council owned vehicles. Information ----------- The following information refers to the columns in the data: * Fleet = fleet number (specific number used to identify a...


Hire Vehicles, Vehicle Management, Fuel statistics

Vehicle Testing System (VTS)

Vehicle Testing Operational IS System (incorporates Technical Records )

Vehicle security and vehicle crime

Vehicle crime has fallen 80% since 1995, which makes it one of the most important factors in the long-term decline in overall crime. The report aimed to extract a large amount of learning from...

Vehicle Licensing Statistics

Annual report providing a range of key statistics relating to licensed vehicles and new vehicle registrations in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National...

Roadside survey of vehicle registration marks

Roadside survey of vehicle registration marks. Dataset consists of photographs of cars on the UK road network, and auto-captured number plate data, for purposes of estimating rate of Vehicle Excise...

Leeds private hire operator licences issued

All current private hire operators licences (including operator licences that do not currently have any vehicles or drivers associated with them). This dataset is updated weekly

Vehicle fires

National statistics publication - Fire statistics Great Britain 2011 to 2012. Road Vehicle Fires: Table 6 & 16.

Vehicle licence data

Vehicle licence data, details of the year of vehicle registration, geographic information about the vehicle keeper and specific details about the vehicle type Source: Department for Transport...

Vehicle Excise Duty Evasion

Annual bulletin presenting estimates of the per cent and number of vehicles on Britain’s roads that are unlicensed and the associated revenue lost through non-payment of vehicle excise...

Fleet vehicles fuel consumption

Dataset showing how much fuel each council vehicle has consumed, by year and by fuel type. Dataset guidance ---------------- The following information refers to the columns in the data: * ...