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        868 results found

        Youth Centres

        Details of youth centres run by Calderdale Council. The location of the youth centres can be found on [Calderdale Maps online - Children and family...

        Youth Organisations

        Contact details of all youth organisations, including outdoor education, uniformed organisations, voluntary organisations and youth centres and projects.

        Youth centres

        Details of all youth centres.

        Youth Cohort Study

        The Youth Cohort Study was a major programme of longitudinal research designed to monitor the behaviour and decisions of representative samples of young people aged sixteen upwards as they make the...

        Youth Contract Official Statistics

        This publication contains official statistics on Youth Contract work experience and sector-based work academies up to and including November 2013. It also includes experimental statistics and...

        Youth Justice Board caseload statistics

        The Youth Justice Annual Workload Data covers the workload of Youth Offending Teams (YOTs) in England and Wales and contains information on: proven offences which have resulted in a disposal;...

        Youth Justice Statistics

        Annual publication reporting statistics including demographics, remand episodes and behaviour management of young offenders. Source agency: Justice Designation: Official Statistics not designated...

        Youth Reoffending in Northern Ireland

        This bulletin provides information on the one year proven reoffending rate for a cohort of youths who received a non-custodial disposal at court, a diversionary disposal or were released from...

        Youth custody data

        Monthly statistics on the population in custody of children and young people within secure children's homes, secure training centres (STCs) and young offender institutions (YOIs). This includes...

        Thurrock Youth Connexions Centres

        This dataset shows the location of Youth Connexions Centres in Thurrock. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

        Youth Magistrates Defendants Dealt With

        Youth Magistrates Defendants Dealt with including a breakdown by Processing Court Office, types of charges, plea and finding information.

        Youth Unemployment Statistics in Scotland

        This publication will complement the main Office for National Statistics (ONS) regional labour market publication. The estimates are compiled by ONS and will be based on the rolling quarterly data...

        Youth Unemployment Innovation Fund Pilot, Starts and Outcomes

        This note provides an update on the number of starts and outcomes on the Youth Unemployment Innovation Fund Pilot. This will cover both round 1 and round...

        Youth offending case management data

        Case level data from the Youth Offending Teamss in England and Wales. Collected on a quaterly basis this includes a range of information relating to convicted young people, their offence(s),...

        Youth Justice Board FoI requests

        Case management system for FoI requests received by the Youth Justice Board (YJB) categorised by date received, name of applicant, their contact details, company if applicable, nature of question,...

        Youth Offending Team's Community Safety and Public Protection Incidents (CSPPI)

        This is information submitted by the YOTs on safeguarding or public protection incident within the youth justice system. It contains a log of serious incidents of offences/alleged...

        NI 111 - First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10-17

        This indicator is currently a Youth Justice Board (YJB) key performance indicator for Youth Offending Teams (YOT) so arrangements for collection of data are already in place. The indicator provides...

        NI 044 - Ethnic composition of offenders on Youth Justice System disposals

        This measures percentage point differences in the proportions of each Black Minority and Ethnic (BME) group of young people on youth justice disposals against the proportions of each BME group in...

        NI 111 - First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10-17

        This indicator is currently a Youth Justice Board (YJB) key performance indicator for Youth Offending Teams (YOT) so arrangements for collection of data are already in place. The indicator provides...

        Urban Audit

        Urban Audit is a European Commission sponsored project to provide comparable data on urban areas. Urban Audit 2010- 2012, includes 185 main variables for the UK and further derived figures based on...