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35 results found

E. coli counts of fresh cattle faeces from the North Wyke Farm Platform

The data consists of faecal microbiology and moisture content taken from two separate cohorts of 30 cattle. The cattle were from the North Wyke Farm Platform, a UK national capability, located at...

Antibiotic resistant gene abundance in fresh cattle faeces from the North Wyke Farm Platform

The data consists of the abundance of antibiotic resistant genes (ARG) in fresh cattle faeces from faecal samples taken from a cohort of 30 cattle. The cattle were from the North Wyke Farm...

Quantification of selected antimicrobial resistance genes in pig faeces on a British commercial pig farm during a typical production cycle

The data presented are quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) read outs from antimicrobial resistance gene (AMRG) assays and associated metadata from this project. In this dataset, the mean...

Metabarcoding data from the guano of insectivorous bats in Sabah, Malaysia

This dataset includes capture data for insectivorous bats captured with harp traps in Sabah, Malaysia, and dietary metabarcoding data. The dietary data was generated through obtaining bat faeces,...

Metabarcoding data from the guano of insectivorous bats in Sabah, Malaysia

This dataset includes capture data for insectivorous bats captured with harp traps in Sabah, Malaysia, and dietary metabarcoding data. The dietary data was generated through obtaining bat faeces,...

Enteric virus concentrations, pH and turbidity in wastewater discharged to the Conwy River and estuary, North Wales (2016-2017)

This dataset contains pH, turbidity and viral concentration information in untreated and treated wastewater samples at wastewater discharge points and wastewater treatment plants along the Conwy...

Mark-recapture data of individual birds from ringing records, Glasgow, UK, 2014-2022

This dataset contains information on individual birds caught at nestboxes or via mistnetting at 20 sites along a 35 km urban gradient in Glasgow, Scotland, 2014-2022. For each capture, we recorded...

Species point records from 1978-79 PCT Clyde Sea littoral survey

Raw data in the literature report is considered to be no's per sixteenth m-2. Small worms, listed at the bottom of each data table, were sampled and processed separately and therefore omitted from...

Habitat point records from 1978-79 PCT Clyde Sea littoral survey

Raw data in the literature report is considered to be no's per sixteenth m-2. Small worms, listed at the bottom of each data table, were sampled and processed separately and therefore omitted from...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project report: Advanced Sorbent via Controlled Sintering of Natural Ca-sorbent for Carbon Capture

In this study, two strategies, thermal pretreatment and chemical doping, were investigated as a method of improving the residual carrying capacity of Longcliffe and Havelock limestone for calcium...

Microbial enzyme activities under experimental drought and warming at Clocaenog forest and Peaknaze Moor (2012)

This data consist of measurements on soil microbial enzyme activity of six hydrolytic enzymes and related soil measurements from the experimental field sites at Clocaenog forest and Peaknaze....

Enteric virus concentrations and chemical properties of wastewater, water, sediment and shellfish samples collected along the Conwy River and estuary, North Wales (2016-2017)

This dataset contains pH, turbidity, conductivity and viral concentration information in river and estuarine water, wastewater, sediment and mussel samples collected in the Conwy River and estuary....

Antibiotic susceptibility tests and resistance genes in Escherichia coli from humans, poultry and environmental samples in urban and rural Bangladesh (2017)

Antibiotic susceptibility tests are presented as the zone of inhibition using the disc-diffusion method, and categorized as resistant, intermediate or susceptible. DNA samples from...

Antibiotic susceptibility tests and resistance genes in Escherichia coli from humans, poultry and environmental samples in urban and rural Bangladesh (2017)

Antibiotic susceptibility tests are presented as the zone of inhibition using the disc-diffusion method, and categorized as resistant, intermediate or susceptible. DNA samples from...

Cryptosporidium in upland water biota, United Kingdom (2012-2015)

These data show the presence/absence and identification of Cryptosporidium species from the results of a molecular survey of various upland river biota aquatic invertebrates, biofilms, mammal...

Observations of human hygiene behaviours before and after exposure to poultry in Dhaka and rural Tangail district, Bangladesh (2017)

The dataset provides observational information on events when humans are in contact with poultry in rural and urban Bangladesh. Data were collected during observation periods of three hours...

Norovirus, ammonia and orthophosphate in wastewater samples collected from across England 2021 - 2022

The **sewage treatment works****dataset** includes norovirus levels, ammonia concentrations and orthophosphate concentrations in wastewater from 3,232 samples and their associated metadata...

Radionuclide biological half-lives for farm animals

[This dataset is embargoed until September 6, 2021]. Data comprise a compilation of quality-controlled biological half-life values (and associated information) from a literature review for animals...

Antibiotic susceptibility tests and resistance genes in Escherichia coli from humans, poultry and environmental samples in urban and rural Bangladesh (2017)

Antibiotic susceptibility tests are presented as the zone of inhibition using the disc-diffusion method, and categorized as resistant, intermediate or susceptible. DNA samples from...

Antibiotic resistance and resistant genes in Escherichia coli from human, poultry and environmental samples in urban and rural Bangladesh (2017-18)

The dataset includes information on antibiotic-resistance and resistance genes in bacteria (Escherichia coli) from humans, poultry and the environment in rural households, poultry farms and urban...