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Youth Offending Team daily unlock

Data collected from the secure estates, this is information on the number of free beds available. This is used by the YJB Placements when allocating secure placements.

Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) Working Paper 2016-01: Scottish CO2 Hub - A unique opportunity for the United Kingdom

Technical report, January 2016. Development of a Scottish CO2 Hub can unlock the potential for CCS in the UK and Europe by providing early access for CO2 captured in the North Sea Region to...

Space spectrum strategy

This document, published 1 Mar 2016, sets out Ofcom's proposed space spectrum strategy, which covers the use of spectrum by the satellite and space science (including earth observation) sectors....

Woking Borough Council Brownfield Land Register Part One 2020

Woking Borough Council's Brownfield Land Register (Part 1) comprises all brownfield sites that the Council has assessed as being appropriate for residential development. The register is produced to...

Nature for Climate Peatland Grant Scheme Discovery Grant Focal Areas (England)

This is a spatial dataset describing the geographic focus areas of sites that were investigated under the NCPGS Discovery grant funding. The NCPGS funds peatland restoration and is made up of two...

Groundwater microbiology and chemistry of shallow wells, boreholes and springs in Kisumu, Kenya in 2014

This dataset contains free residual chlorine, turbidity, nitrate, chloride, sulphate, fluoride, phosphate and thermatolerant coliform concentrations in groundwater from a variety of sources within...

Better Use of Data - GLA Consultation Response

The GLA strongly believes that Government needs to do more to unlock the power of data, helping organisations to make better decisions and operate more efficiently. Greater sharing of information...

Woking Borough Council Brownfield Land Register Part One 2022

Woking Borough Council's Brownfield Land Register (Part 1) comprises all brownfield sites that the Council has assessed as being appropriate for residential development. All sites included on Part...

Woking Borough Council Brownfield Land Register - Part One 2021

Woking Borough Council's Brownfield Land Register (Part 1) comprises all brownfield sites that the Council has assessed as being appropriate for residential development. All sites included on Part...

Sanitary risk inspections of shallow wells, boreholes and springs in Kisumu, Kenya in 2014

This dataset contains the results of a sanitary risk inspection for different groundwater sources in Kisumu, Kenya. A total of 70 groundwater sources were surveyed between February and March 2014....

Strategic Arts Grants

This annual CBC funding combines with that awarded by Arts Council England and Essex County Council, as well as other public, private and commercial sources of income, to enable the organisations...

Strategic Arts Grants

This annual CBC funding combines with that awarded by Arts Council England and Essex County Council, as well as other public, private and commercial sources of income, to enable the organisations...

Socio-economic survey of domestic groundwater handling and use for source customers in Kisumu, Kenya in 2014

This dataset contains the anonymised results of a survey of customers who buy groundwater for consumption in Kisumu, Kenya. Data includes information on the amount of water bought and ways in which...

The oxygen fugacity of core segregation and the redox evolution of the mantle: constraints from iron and chromium isotopes (NERC grant NE/F014295/2)

This project is aimed at understanding what kind of conditions the Earth's core formed under and how this affected the amount of oxygen present in the rocky interior of the Earth. It uses...

Interview data to assess BRAVE project impact (NERC Grant NE/M008983/1)

This set of data is the second set of impact interviews conducted with the target communities of the BRAVE project. The interviews are transcriptions in Microsoft word. The communities involved in...

Socio-economic survey of domestic groundwater handling and use for source owners in Kisumu, Kenya in 2014

This datasets contains the anonymised results of a survey of well owners in Kisumu, Kenya. Data includes information on the amount of water abstracted daily from the well and ways in which this...

Western Gneiss Region Ar/Ar data (NERC grant NE/H016279/1)

This dataset encompasses thin section photographs, mineral composition data and Ar/Ar data. Grant abstract: Many of the Earth's great mountain ranges, such as the Alps and the Himalaya, result from...

National Information Infrastructure

Over the summer of 2013, the Cabinet Office started to develop the processes to support the maintenance of a dynamic NII. We can now launch a first iteration which will be the basis for user...

UKCS Carbon Storage Licences (ED50)

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers to a number of techniques and processes which capture carbon dioxide emissions, generally from industrial processes. The carbon dioxide (CO2) can then be...

CS Licences WGS84

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers to a number of techniques and processes which capture carbon dioxide emissions, generally from industrial processes. The carbon dioxide (CO2) can then be...