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        855 results found spoligotype patterns

        Complete list of spoligotype patterns (bovine tuberculosis) registered with The International name (SBXXXX) and the associated spoligotype hybridisation pattern (1 = present, 0 =...

        Patterns of Pay

        Analysis of trends in levels, distribution and make-up of earnings over time for UK employees by sex, full-/part-time status, public/private sector and region. Source agency: Office for National...

        Defra Publications – unique reference numbers

        Defra produces a range of publications which are available on the GOV.UK website. Each publication is given a unique reference number (URN) which is known internally as a PB number. This dataset...

        M. microti spoligotype patterns recovered in GB

        List of M. microti spoligotype patterns recovered in isolates submitted to APHA. The International Name given by and the APHA Type name is shown. Attribution statement: ©Crown...

        Geographic Patterns of Cancer Survival in England

        One-year and five-year relative survival estimates for adult patients diagnosed with one of eight cancers in England. Results are presented by commissioning region, and TBC. Source agency: Office...

        Normal Year Precipitation Patterns Dataset for the Jazira Region of Syria

        This Normal Year Precipitation Patterns dataset complements 13 other datasets as part of a study that compared ancient settlement patterns with modern environmental conditions in the Jazira region...

        Commuting Patterns

        Commuting Map for Local Authorities, 2011 Census

        Number of unique users on – (where cookies consented)

        Number of unique users on – (where cookies consented)

        Dry Year Precipitation Patterns Dataset for the Jazira Region of Syria

        This dry year precipitation dataset complements 13 other datasets as part of a study that compared ancient settlement patterns with modern environmental conditions in the Jazira region of...

        Travel Patterns and Trends, London

        This [spreadsheet]( summarises of the key travel patterns and trends relating to the TFL network and Airports...

        NE of Farnes Deeps (Formerly Rock Unique) Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Data

        One surveys of Rock Unique (now NE of Farne Deeps) rMCZ site have been completed to date (Apr 2015): Cruise: Cefas_cend0412 Date: 7th March - 9th March 2012 Data collected: MB Bathymetry...

        NE of Farnes Deeps (Formerly Rock Unique) Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Infauna Data - 2012

        Counts and presence/absence of species of macrofauna identified from 46 grab samples collected at NE of Farnes Deeps (Formerly Rock Unique) Marine Conservation Zone between the 7th and 9th March...

        Pore scale modeling of drainage displacement patterns in association with geological sequestration of CO2

        The data include the following: 1. Simulation input files (parameters used in free energy Lattice Boltzmann simulations). 2. Results from these simulations and the corresponding analysis, as...

        Data associated with 'A 17-year time-series of fungal environmental DNA from a coastal marine ecosystem reveals long-term seasonal-scale and inter-annual diversity patterns'

        Dataset associated with the published article: Chrismas Nathan, Allen Ro, Allen Michael J., Bird Kimberley and Cunliffe Michael 2023. A 17-year time-series of fungal environmental DNA from a...

        Data associated with 'A 17-year time-series of fungal environmental DNA from a coastal marine ecosystem reveals long-term seasonal-scale and inter-annual diversity patterns'

        Dataset associated with the published article: Chrismas Nathan, Allen Ro, Allen Michael J., Bird Kimberley and Cunliffe Michael 2023. A 17-year time-series of fungal environmental DNA from a...

        GCM-based monthly patterns of local meteorological change, per degree of mean land warming, for driving the IMOGEN impacts model

        This dataset consists of monthly spatial patterns of meteorological change for 22 Global Circulation Models (GCMs). The patterns are a set of regression coefficients, each representing the change...

        CMIP5 GCM-based monthly patterns of local meteorological change, per degree of mean land warming, for driving the IMOGEN impacts model

        This dataset consists of monthly spatial patterns of meteorological change for 34 Global Circulation Models (GCMs). The patterns are a set of regression coefficients, each representing the change...

        A section 75 analysis of mortality patterns in Northern Ireland

        An analysis of mortality within Northern Ireland using the NI Mortality Study. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public Safety (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not...

        Log file, GSAS data files and diffraction patterns from synchrotron experiments on NaMnF3 (NERC grant NE/J009520/1)

        Log file and GSAS data files for synchrotron study of NaMnF3. Diffraction patterns from synchrotron experiments on NaMnF3. NERC grant: Understanding the D' zone: novel fluoride analogues to MgSiO3...

        Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) Working Paper 2016-01: Scottish CO2 Hub - A unique opportunity for the United Kingdom

        Technical report, January 2016. Development of a Scottish CO2 Hub can unlock the potential for CCS in the UK and Europe by providing early access for CO2 captured in the North Sea Region to...