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945 results found

TRISH Trustees Register

Stores details of trustees and who TPR have appointed to Schemes. Go-Live July 1st 2010. Trustees apply to be on the Register with the aim of getting work from TPR

Parishes and Charter Trustees in England

Provides information on local precepting authorities in England Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Minutes of Board of Trustees meetings

British Council - Redacted minutes of Board of Trustees meetings

Board of Trustees Members' expenses

British Council - Board of Trustees Members' expenses

Board of Trustees Members' Register of interests

British Council - Board of Trustees Members' Register of Interest

Board of Trustees Members' Register of interests

Board of Trustees Members' Register of Interest

NHS Reference Costs 2010-11

The reference costs, give the most detailed picture available about how nearly 400 NHS organisations spent £53 billion delivering healthcare to patients in 2010-11.

Estates Cost Plans

Financial cost options for the implementation of estates related activity.

Cost management and efficiency

Performance Management Reporting on cost management and efficiency.

Estates Cost Plans

Financial cost options for the implementation of estates related activity.

Cost management and efficiency

Performance Management Reporting on cost management and efficiency.


Detailed listing of all costs includes expenses, external agencies, and all other external costs for the Competition Commission.

Ancillary Costs Survey (ACS)

Stratified sample survey of Intrastat Traders. Updated: monthly.

Transparent Approach to Costing income and costs by activity

The Transparent Approach to Costing (TRAC) is the methodology developed with the higher education sector to help them cost their activities. Costings data relates to activity / subject areas. ...

Costs of organised crime

Provides up-to-date estimates of the scale of a range of organised crime types and the social and economic costs associated with these types of organised crime.

Forecast of Vehicle Costs

A model which provides detailed forecasts of vehicle costs to 2050. Data collection ceased.

HR cost to serve

Cost of HR divided by departmental headcount (reported against 2008/9 baseline)

Survey Compliance Costs to Businesses and Local Authorities

HMRC Survey Compliance Costs To Businesses and Local Authorities - This publication contains statistics of HMRC survey compliance costs Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: National...

Building Price and Cost Indices

NB Responsibility for the production of PCIs transferred to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 1 April 2015. See:...

Special Adviser numbers and costs

The following data sets of special adviser numbers and paybands have been released, they list the names of the special advisers in post at various times, including each special adviser’s pay band,...