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The Prison Performance Digest

The Prison Performance Digest presents a breakdown by individual establishment of performance over the past 15 years, up to and including 2009/10, against a number of indicators (KPI and...

Community trigger indicator for anti-social behaviour

A dataset providing a breakdown of the key performance indicators for anti-social behaviour (ASB) case reviews. Community triggers are special cases where repeated anti-social behaviour...

Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics (DUKES)

The Digest provides essential information for everyone involved in energy, from economists to environmentalists, and from energy suppliers to energy users. Accredited Official...

Digest of Information on the Northern Ireland Criminal Justice System

The publication series 'Digest of Information on the Northern Ireland Criminal Justice System' has been temporarily postponed to enable a user consultation exercise to be carried out. There will be...

Public Records Office for Northern Ireland (PRONI) Digest of statistics

This regular series of publications brings together key statistics on the Public Record Office for Northern Ireland (PRONI) into a single publication. Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure...

Dewaterability potential of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash blends using polymer dose approach

The dataset contains the chemical composition of anaerobic digestates derived from source-segregated food waste & agro-waste, with and without biomass ash, after the addition commercial polymer...

Physico-chemical characterization of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash derived from UK bioenergy production

This dataset contains nitrogen data from nitrate, ammonium and nitrite, total nitrogen and carbon data, and elemental composition data from anaerobic digestate and biomass ash from UK bioenergy...

Digest of statistics for Salmon and Inland Fisheries in the DCAL jurisdiction

This annual series of reports include statistics which provide an overview of the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) fisheries sector in Northern Ireland. It is accompanied by and...

Monsoon-triggered landslide point data for central-eastern Nepal (NERC grant NE/L002582/1)

This file contains the point data and areas (in m) of 12,838 monsoon-triggered landslides that occurred during distinct monsoon seasons between 1988 and 2018 across a 45,000 km2 region of...

Monthly Digest of Statistics

Contains the latest monthly and quarterly business, economic and social data. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: MD

Greenhouse gas emissions, nitrogen use efficiency and biomass from digestate experiments on winter wheat at North Wyke and Henfaes, UK (2017)

The data contains nitrogen (N) offtake, N emissions (ammonia and nitrous oxide), soil parameters (pH, EC, NH4+, NO3−), biomass and grain production from a winter wheat field experiment located at...

Chemical composition of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash blends as a result of storage

The dataset contains the chemical compositional changes occurred in anaerobic digestate, with and without biomass ash, simulating storage conditions during 128 days. Additionally, Sulphuric Acid...

Soil biological properties from a digestate experiment on winter wheat at North Wyke and Henfaes Farm, UK (2017)

The data consist of nitrogen gene data, soil biodiversity indices and microbial community composition for three soil depths (0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm) from a winter wheat field experiment located...

Soil chemical and physical properties from a digestate (winter wheat trial) experiment at North Wyke and Henfaes Farm, UK (2017)

The data consist of soil physicochemical and biological data for three soil depths (0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm) from a winter wheat field experiment located at two research sites in the United...

Armed Forces Compensation Scheme Trigger Database

Feeds compensation data to the payment enabling system

Polygon inventory of 12,920 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) Triggered landslides in Nepal (NERC Grant NE/L002582/1)

This is a polygon .shp file of 12,920 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) - triggered landslides that occurred across central-eastern Nepal in the period 1988 - 2018. This inventory includes the landslide...

Polygon inventory of 12,838 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) Triggered landslides in Nepal (NERC Grant NE/L002582/1)

This is a polygon .shp file of 12,838 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) - triggered landslides that occurred across a ~45,000 km2 region of central-eastern Nepal in the period 1988 - 2018. This inventory...

Attribute point inventory of 12,838 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) Triggered landslides in Nepal (NERC Grant NE/L002582/1)

This is a point (.txt) file of 12,838 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) - triggered landslides that occurred across central-eastern Nepal in the period 1988 - 2018. This inventory includes the landslide...

Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics: 60th Anniversary

A one off publication comparing the changes in energy production and use between 1948 and 2008. Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

Organic Statistics Database: Access database on Anaerobic digestion strategy (ADS) applications/payments

The Organics Statistics (Access) database holds information on organic operators in the UK including the names and addresses of producers, processors, importers and statistical information relating...