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tri-service families continuous attitude survey

The Ministry of Defence uses the tri-Service Families Continuous Attitude Survey (FAMCAS) to assess the views of Service families. The report captures Service Personnel spouses and civil partners'...

Summer GCSEs and IGCSEs entries for England

This publication presents the number of entries for GCSE and IGCSEs by subject in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Source agency: Office of Qualifications and Examinations...

Aimhigher Summer Schools Data

Individualised data of participants in Aimhigher Summer Schools.

Summer Schools Evaluation 2012 Strand 3 Matched pupil data

Returned matched survey data of 19,000 pupils who participated in the 2012 Summer School Pupil evaluation. As part of the DfE' s commissioned evaluation Survey responses are matched with the...

Mapping the distribution of benthic biotopes in the Summer Isles. Lifeforms

A survey of habitats with particular reference to maerl around the Summer Isles, Ross & Chromate, Scotland was undertaken by the Benthic Mapping and assessment project (BMAP), at the University...

Our Big Conversation Summer 2021

This data set contains raw data and summary reports of two surveys which ran during 2021 for residents and businesses to share their views on three major strategic themes for the city – carbon...

Our Big Conversation Summer 2020

This dataset contains raw data from the online survey which ran during 2020, and the paper survey in the June 2020 edition of Our City. The consultation invited residents to feedback on how life...

CPS - Number of Conditional Cautions broken down by Offence

This shows those 'either way' offences (triable in Crown Court or magistrates' court) and those offences that can only be tried summarily (in the magistrates' court) for which a Conditional Caution...

My City Centre Summer Consultation 2021

This dataset contains the raw data and summary reports from four surveys which took place during Summer 2021 where we asked residents and businesses to feedback on ideas to make access to the city...

London's Urban Heat Island - Average Summer

For an urban heat island map during a warm summer [see this dataset.](/dataset/london-s-urban-heat-island) This map shows the results of an ‘UrbClim’ simulation for the mean temperature at...

Valuing and Investing in Service Personnel

Holds results of Tri Service surveys

London’s Urban Heat Island - During A Warm Summer

For an urban heat island map during an average summer [see this dataset.](/dataset/london-s-urban-heat-island---average-summer) A heatwave refers to a prolonged period of unusually hot weather....

Air Safety Information Management System (ASIMS)

ASIMS is tri-service occurrence reporting system used to record and manage Air Safety occurrences and Hazard Observations across the Military Air Environment

MMO1065 Terrain Ruggedness Index of the South Plan area

This raster represents the Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) of the south plan area, as part of the exploritary work in the MMO1065 Enhancing our understanding of Seabed Habitats and Topographic...

UKCCSRC Summer 2020 Web Series presentations

UKCCSRC Grant EP/P026214/1. The UKCCSRC Summer Web Series ran from 21st July to 3rd September 2020 relating to various aspects of carbon capture and storage. For more information see...


REDCAP is the Tri-Service criminal records database utlised by the RMP, RAFP and RNP to record the details of all crime reported to the service police. Data from REDCAP is used in support of...

Entries and Late Entries for GCSE, AS and A level

Statistics on the number of entries that were on time and late for GCSE, AS and A level. Ofqual collects and reports information on the number of entries and late entries concerning the GCSE and...

Major Summer Heat Spots using Landsat-8 Thermal Satellite data

Fine resolution satellite thermal data can be used as a basis for mapping the spatial distribution of urban surface temperatures and identifying urban hotspots. This dataset has been produced from...

Enquiries about Results for GCSE and GCE

Awarding organisations must have published arrangements for the submission of enquires about results. Ofqual collects and reports information on the total number of enquiries about results...

Reviews of marking and moderation for GCSE and A level

Reviews of marking and moderation (previously known as enquiries about results) for GCSE and A level summer exam series in England. ### Source agency Office of Qualifications and Examinations...