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Smart and Integrated Ticketing Report

Report to investigate the awareness of and use made of multi-journey tickets on bus and train journeys. Source agency: Regional Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not...

Car Parking Tickets

This dataset is a Car Parking Ticket report, this shows how many tickets were issued, how many have been paid and what course of action has been undertaken in relation to the tickets. This is...

CPZ Ticket Machines

shows boundaries and locations of lambeth parking services information

Carriageworks Theatre tickets sold

This data shows the number of tickets sold by the City Centre Box Office for all ticketed Carriageworks Theatre events between the dates indicated. Further information ------------------- * ...

Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking

Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking

UKEOF Environmental Observation Activity Catalogue

The UK Environmental Observation Framework (UKEOF) works to improve coordination of the observational evidence needed to understand and manage the changing natural environment. It is a partnership...

Roadside survey of vehicle observations

The roadside survey is a survey of vehicles passing observation points on the UK road network. It uses automatic numberplate recognition (ANPR) cameras to capture registration marks at 256 sites...

Observations from the International Phenology Garden at Alice Holt, Hampshire (2005-2015)

These data are the annual records of observations of phenological phases of plants in the International Phenology Garden (IPG) at Alice Holt, Hampshire. The IPG network consists of replicated...

Earth Observation Data

A link to the DEFRA website detailing the different types of Earth Observation Available via API's and archive data from the Earth Observation Data Service.

Lightning Observations

Lightening Observations, (Location and Date/Time) for the Met Office Lightening Arrival Time Difference Network (ATDNet)

DWP Flight expenses 2011

Air Travel Data from May to Dec 2011. Includes cost, ticket class, departure date, journey from and to, supplier. Does not contain personal information.

Regional Extremes Observations

Extremes of temperature, rainfall and sunshine are provided for a chosen region along with the location at which the extreme occurred. Based on observation sites split across: Eight...

Historical Station Observations

Monthly data are available from 37 long-running historic stations, see the map for locations. The series typically range from 50 to more than 100 years in length. The data consists...

Observation Station Dataset

Metadata about the Synop and Climate stations used to collect Observations.

Hourly Rainfall Observations

Synoptic Rainfall Europe West (SREW) Hourly rainfall data (Met Office sites only)

London Area Travel Survey (LATS)

The London Area Travel Survey (LATS) collected data on a sample of rail journeys in 2001. Data items include origin & destination addresses, rail stations used, reason for journey, ticket type,...

National Rail Travel Survey (NRTS)

Rail Service Analysis (RSA). The National Rail Travel Survey (NRTS) collected data on a sample of rail journeys. Data items include origin & destination addresses, rail stations used, reason...

Cost effective methods to measure extent and condition of habitats: Earth Observation Phase 3

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Phase 1 of the Making Earth observation work for conservation series of research projects created the Crick Framework, which...

Last 24hrs Marine Observations

This data includes observations from buoys, light vessels and coastal stations around the UK and within UK waters. Observation parameters reported include: Present weather (code)...

SmartBuoy observational network - Gabbard

On the SmartBuoy, surface measurements of plant nutrient concentrations are derived from two instruments. The NAS-3X in-situ nutrient analyser takes hourly measurements of nitrate concentration,...