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        Adults with physical disabilities helped to live at home

        Adults with physical disabilities helped to live at home (per thousand adults aged 18-64) Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Department of Health Geographies: County/Unitary...

        Ten key biological traits of marine benthic invertebrates surveyed in Northwest Europe

        This dataset contains information on ten key biological traits (behavioural, morphological, and reproductive characteristics) for over a thousand marine benthic invertebrate taxa surveyed in...

        Ten key biological traits of marine benthic invertebrates surveyed in Northwest Europe

        This dataset contains information on ten key biological traits (behavioural, morphological, and reproductive characteristics) for over a thousand marine benthic invertebrate taxa surveyed in...

        Global City Data

        A range of indicators for a selection of cities from the [New York City Global City database]( Dataset includes the...

        Metropolitan Police Service - Recorded Crime: Borough Rates

        Numbers of recorded offences, and rates of offences per thousand population, by broad crime grouping, by financial year and borough. Rate is given as per thousand population, and are calculated...

        MSOA Population Turnover Rates

        This dataset presents rates of moves in and out of Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) per thousand resident population between 1 July 2009 and 30 June 2010. Only moves within England and Wales...

        Transport Statistics Greater Manchester - Background Information

        Background information to the data presented in the Transport Statistics Greater Manchester reports. Includes tables on: Retail Price Index (all items) 1987-Q3 2014 The cost of fuel per litre...

        Airport Noise Contours Lnight Round 1

        Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of airport sources within areas with a population of at least 250,000 people (agglomerations) and airports with more than...

        Airport Noise Contours Lden Round 2

        Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of airport sources within areas with a population of at least 100,000 people (agglomerations) and airports with more than...

        Airport Noise Contours Lden Round 1

        Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of airport sources within areas with a population of at least 250,000 people (agglomerations) and airports with more than...

        Airport Noise Contours Lnight Round 2

        Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of airport sources within areas with a population of at least 100,000 people (agglomerations) and airports with more than...

        York Open Service Directory

        York Open Service Directory is a database of thousands of groups, activities, services, venues, childcare provision, adult social care services and more! All the information is maintained at a...

        London Analysis

        Presents analysis of nearly one thousand small areas within London showing the number of employees working for businesses with fewer than 250 employees in the UK (small- and medium-sized...

        Local authority collected waste (quarterly estimates)

        Estimates of quarterly waste arisings and management for England units : thousand tonnes notes: table 1: total is not the sum of the parts because sent for recycling differs from what is...

        Map based index (GeoIndex) onshore borehole records

        This layer of the Map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of records of boreholes, shafts and wells from all forms of drilling and site investigation work. Some 850,000 records dating back...

        Crime rates by London Borough

        Numbers of recorded offences, and rates of offences per thousand population, by broad crime grouping, by financial year and borough. Rate is given as per thousand population, and are calculated...

        Water abstraction data sets

        This series is an amalgamation of all the water abstraction data sets previously held on Data.Gov.UK (DGUK), thus consolidating all abstraction statistical data into one location on DGUK. Data...

        Colchester Big Choice Grant Fund

        Six organisations were selected after thousands of votes were cast by the residents of Colchester between 22 February and 4 March 2016. More information about these grants for 2016/17 is...

        Colchester Big Choice Grant Fund

        Six organisations were selected after thousands of votes were cast by the residents of Colchester between 22 February and 4 March 2016. More information about these grants for 2016/17 is...

        Global City Population Estimates

        Population of Urban Agglomerations with 300,000 Inhabitants or more in 2014, by city, 1950-2030 (thousands). Data for 1,692 cities contained in the Excel file. Note: Each country has its own...