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75 results found

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1970/VV/7: South of Mull and Tiree (26/06/1970 to 11/07/1970)

This geophysical survey is thought to have been carried out by Institute of Geological Sciences now British Geological Survey (BGS) for BGS, the survey took place in June to July 1970 in the Tiree...

NI 059 - Initial assessments for children's social care carried out within 7 working days of referral

Initial assessments are an important indicator of how quickly services can respond when a child is thought to be at risk of serious harm. As the assessments involve a range of local agencies, this...

Non-fatal suicidal behaviour among adults

This report describes the prevalence (past week, past year and lifetime) of suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts and deliberate self-harm by socio-demographic, socio-economic, psychiatric and...

Listed Buildings

A listed building is one that is 'of special architectural or historic interest' and has been included on a list kept by the Secretary of State for the Environment. The list puts a mark against...

Air quality indicator for sustainable development

The air quality indicator is one of the 68 indicators of the Government’s Sustainable Development Strategy. It measures annual levels of pollution from particulates (PM10) and ozone (O3), the two...

Isotope compositions in a natural gas seep, French Alps

The Fontaine Ardente (FA) and Rochasson (ROC) natural gas seepage sites are located southwest (FA) and east (ROC) of Grenoble, France. For both field sites, gas is thought to originate from buried...

Personal Social Services Survey of Adult Carers in England

This is a biennial survey, undertaken by councils in which carers’ thoughts and opinions were sought on a number of topics that are considered to be indicative of a balanced life alongside their...

Thermodynamic properties of FeS polymorphs (NERC grant NE/J010626/1, NE/J010626/2)

FeS polymorphs are of significant relevance to condensed matter physics and planetary science. In particular, they are thought to form the cores of Earth and Mars, which is suggested by their...

Atomic Force Microscopy images of surface nanobubbles on the rare earth fluorcarbonate mineral synchysite (NERC grant NE/M011429/1)

Non -contact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM) images of surface nanobubbles on the fluorcarbonate mineral synchysite. Synchysite is a rare earth fluorcarbonate mineral which has previously been...

NI 059 - Initial assessments for children's social care carried out within 7 working days of referral

Initial assessments are an important indicator of how quickly services can respond when a child is thought to be at risk of serious harm. As the assessments involve a range of local agencies, this...

Listed Buildings Northumberland

This web feature service (WFS) of Listed Buildings within Northumberland. Listed buildings are legally protected for their special architectural and/or historic interest. The older a building is,...

Species point records from 1973-75 University of Bristol Severn estuary littoral sediment survey

Variations in invertebrate densities within the Severn Estuary have been examined on four shores over a period of two years. Variability due to seasonal changes was combined with a patchy...

Habitat point records from 1973-75 University of Bristol Severn estuary littoral sediment survey

Variations in invertebrate densities within the Severn Estuary have been examined on four shores over a period of two years. Variability due to seasonal changes was combined with a patchy...

Ruddy Duck Control Trial Data 1999-2002 - Control Operations and Counts

This dataset includes information on site visits carried out as part of the UK Ruddy Duck Control Trial which ran from 1999 to 2002. It includes details of all visits when Ruddy Ducks were culled,...

National Diabetes Audit: Young People with Type 2 Diabetes

The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) and the National Paediatric Diabetes Audit (NPDA) provide a comprehensive view of diabetes care in England and Wales. They measure the effectiveness of diabetes...

Stockton on Tees Borough Council Listed Buildings

Listing helps us acknowledge and understand our shared history. It marks and celebrates a building's special architectural and historic interest, and also brings it under the consideration of the...

List of Ministers' Interests

Under the terms of the Ministerial Code, ministers must ensure that no conflict arises, or could reasonably be perceived to arise, between their ministerial position and their private interests,...

2012 University of Plymouth Jersey towed underwater video Epifauna survey

This dataset comprises marine epibenthos (approx. 26 identified taxa derived of Algae, Annelida, Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Chordata, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Mollusca, Nemertea, Porifera) and associated...

2012 University of Plymouth Jersey towed underwater video Epifauna survey

This dataset comprises marine epibenthos (approx. 26 identified taxa derived of Algae, Annelida, Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Chordata, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Mollusca, Nemertea, Porifera) and associated...

Rill Cove Finds Project

Rill Cove is located on the south coast of England, near the village of Helston, Cornwall. The principal aim of the project was to produce a record of the objects recovered from the protected wreck...