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        33 results found

        Employment in the hi-tech community: Cambridgeshire & Peterborough 2012

        The Research Group holds a database of employment and businesses in the hi-tech community. It is based on a survey, by both post and telephone, of over 1,500 businesses, agencies and research...

        Employment in the hi-tech community: Cambridgeshire & Peterborough 2012

        The Research Group holds a database of employment and businesses in the hi-tech community. It is based on a survey, by both post and telephone, of over 1,500 businesses, agencies and research...

        BacsIPActive run by FundTech

        Bacs payment transfer system for making payments to suppliers.

        Geochemical data for giant piston core MD04-2832 (Loch Sunart, Scotland) (NERC Grant NE/L501852/1)

        Geochemical data for the upper 300cm of giant piston core MD04-2832. Core MD04-2832 was collected from the middle basin of Loch Sunart a fjord on the west coast of Scotland from the research vessel...

        NICE Technology Appraisals in the NHS in England: Area Team & CCG Level for MedTech & DebriSoft

        The Innovation Scorecard aims to improve transparency within the NHS of what treatments recommended by NICE are available within Trusts and CCGs and at National and Area Team level. It is intended...

        Critical Element Data Base from Literature Review (NERC grant NE/L002329/1)

        Data from NERC grant, Natural Enrichments in E-tech Elements (Cobalt, Gallium, Indium, Tellurium, Lithium, rare earth elements) [NEETE].

        Tugtutoq statistics (NERC Grant NE/J020877/2)

        Scanned and annotated thin sections, in plane-polarised and cross-polarised light. Derivative statistical data for mineral grainsize and spatial distribution. Younger Giant Dyke, Tugtutoq, South...

        2002 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA2 Laboratory report. Grain size analyses sea bed sediments collected in North Sea, 2001. BGS Tech Note CR/01/193

        This report is the product of the laboratory analyses carried out on sediments collected on the MV Kommandor Jack during the summer or 2001 as part of Department of Trade and Industry's (now...

        World Heritage Site

        The Giant’s Causeway and Causeway Coast site was inscribed as a World Heritage Site (WHS) by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1986. The site is of...

        Composite Pb (lead) isotope record for Tropic Seamount (NERC Grant NE/M011151/1)

        The file contains the LA-MC-ICP-MS composite Pb isotope ratios for Tropic Seamount, north-east Atlantic Ocean, spanning a deposition history covering the last 75 Ma. The record was obtained by...

        Pb and Nd isotope data for Tropic Seamount correlated Fe-Mn crust stratigraphy (NERC Grant NE/M011151/1)

        The file contains the validation data on certified reference material for Nd isotope measurement, the LA-MC-ICP-MS composite Pb isotope ratios and Nd isotope time series for Tropic Seamount,...

        Camden Business Survey Report 2017

        The Camden Business Survey 2017 gathered key business intelligence around business confidence, activity and employment, and issues of importance. Previous surveys were conducted in 2014 and 2012....

        Geochemical stratigraphic data for phosphatised and unphosphatised samples of Fe-Mn crusts, Tropic Seamount, Northeast Atlantic Ocean (NERC Grant NE/M011151/1)

        The data set presents major and trace element geochemical data obtained from ICP-MS measurements on micro-drilled subsamples of ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) crusts from Tropic Seamount, north-east...

        High-resolution LA-MC-ICP-MS Pb isotope data (65.5 - 63 Ma) for Tropic Seamount, north-east Atlantic, and Matlab and R processing scripts for cyclostratigraphic analysis (NERC Grant NE/M011151/1)

        The excel table presents the high-resolution LA-MC-ICP-MS Pb isotope data (± 2S%) produced for the Paleocene interval of Fe-Mn crust core sample 085_004 recovered in 2016 during the JC142...

        2009 Defra MB0102 2B Distribution of Gobius cobitis in the United Kingdom and Isle of Man

        This layer shows the distribution of the Giant Goby, Gobius cobitis, a Wildlife and Countryside Act Species. This layer forms one of a set of data layers created for the Defra MB0102...

        2009 Defra MB0102 2B Distribution of Gobius cobitis in the United Kingdom and Isle of Man

        This layer shows the distribution of the Giant Goby, Gobius cobitis, a Wildlife and Countryside Act Species. This layer forms one of a set of data layers created for the Defra MB0102...

        2006 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA7 Technical Report - Coastal Shellfish Resources and Fisheries (NE Atlantic west of Scotland)

        This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA7) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) and deals with the...

        British Geological Survey (BGS) Sampling Survey 2004/3 Barra Fan, Rockall Trough. (12/Jun/2004)

        This collaborative marine sampling survey took place in June 2004 in the areas of the Goban Spur, Western Irish Margin, Barra Fan and Rosemary Bank onboard the R/V Marion Dufresne. The British...

        Places to Visit in Causeway Coast and Glens

        The Causeway Coast and Glens is an area of breathtaking beauty where the rugged coastline merges with a romantic landscape of deep, silent glens and lust forest parks and boasts three Areas of...

        Sampling Survey 2014/5_MINIMOUND Belgica Cruise 2014/16: Bay of Biscay (13/Jun/2014 to 23/Jun/2014)

        This marine sampling survey 2014/5_MINIMOUND Belgica 2014/16, took place from 13/6/2014 to 23/6/2014 in the Bay of Biscay aboard Research Vessel Belgica. The survey was carried out by the British...