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15 results found

BIRPS (British Institutes Reflection Profiling Syndicate) Chicxulub seismic data (1996)

BIRPS (the British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate) acquired almost 650 km of offshore seismic data and 300 km of onshore seismic data over the Chicxulub impact crater. The data were...

BIRPS (British Institutes Reflection Profiling Syndicate) Westline Seismic Survey Data (1993)

WESTLINE was acquired by BIRPS (the British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate). The seismic data image the faulted conjugate margins of the Rockall Trough and the intrabasinal sediments....

BIRPS (British Institutes Reflection Profiling Syndicate) MONA LISA seismic survey (1993-1995)

MONA LISA (Marine and Onshore North Sea Acquisition for Lithospheric Seismic Analysis) seismic data was acquired by BIRPS (the British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate) across the...

BIRPS (British Institutes Reflection Profiling Syndicate) Faeroe-Iceland Ridge Experiment (FIRE) seismic data (1994)

Faeroe-Iceland Ridge Experiment (FIRE) was acquired by BIRPS (the British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate). The primary target was anomalously thick oceanic crust along the...

BIRPS (British Institutes Reflection Profiling Syndicate) 3DEPR-ARAD seismic data (1997)

The 3D multi channel seismic data were acquired as part of a collaborative investigation into models of magmatic segmentation between the Scripps Institute of Oceanography and BIRPS (the British...

BIRPS (British Institutes Reflection Profiling Syndicate) Deep Seismic Reflection Data from the UK and North-West European Continental Shelf (1981-1991)

The British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate (BIRPS) shot approximately 12,000 km of deep, multi-channel seismic reflection data around the British Isles from 1981 to 1991 during 14...

BIRPS (British Institutes Reflection Profiling Syndicate) Banda seismic data (1992-1993)

In 1992, BIRPS joined with the Indonesian Marine Geological Institute to record two long multichannel normal-incidence reflection profiles, one of which is DAMAR, the other TIMOR, and one short...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1983/5: Irish Sea & English Channel (12/08/1983 to 30/08/1983)

Report: Brett, CP. 1984. Operations Report on Project 83/05. Gravity and Magnetic Survey along WINCH and SWAT Lines and Regional Geophysical Survey in the Western English Channel. (IGS Report No...

Digital seismic sections

This digital data set contains original files of seismic reflection survey sections. Most data are within the UK Onshore area; although there are some UK near-shore and offshore (North Sea, Irish...

Original Seismic Sections.

This document dataset contains original prints, on paper, sepia or film, of seismic reflection survey sections, dating from the 1960s. Most data are within the UK onshore area; although there are...

Seismic Line Index (SLI).

The Seismic Line Index database stores summary administrative information about the collection of printed seismic sections, Original Seismic Sections dataset (ORIGSEISECS). This includes: details...

Copy Seismic Sections.

This document data set contains paper copies of many of the seismic reflection survey sections from the original seismic sections data set (ORIGSEISECS) . These have been made for interpretation....

Digital seismic shotpoint location maps.

This digital data set contains original files of seismic reflection survey location (navigation) data and dates from the late 1970s. These provide location information for the Digital Seismic...

Police Front Counter Access Times

The Mayor's Office for Police and Crime is consulting on a new estate strategy. One of the proposals is to close 65 front counters, where the public can access the police in person. This page...

ITS Directive Road Safety Information Data - Live Traffic Information from TransportNI

The ITS Directive and UK traffic and lorry parking data - road safety related data from Transport Northern Ireland The UK Department for Transport and the devolved administrations are taking an...